Back to School: Savannah Roberts
Savannah Roberts teaches kindergarten at Forest Oaks Elementary in Chelsea. She serves s grade-level co-chair and is co-sponsor of the Forest Oaks cheerleaders. She received a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Auburn University. She enjoys playing tennis, going to the lake and spending time with family and friends.
Q: Why did you want to go into education?
A: Growing up in Chelsea schools, specifically elementary, I had wonderful teachers. I can’t think of one of my elementary teachers who didn’t truly love and care about me, and I adored them. They expected a lot from me, and I wanted to be my best self for them. This is absolutely the reason I became a teacher. I want my students to feel so loved and adored in my classroom. The way I felt. I believe this is the number one most important thing that I can accomplish as a teacher.
Q. When were you a student at your current school?
A: 1997-2009. I’ve been a student in Chelsea schools from first grade to 12th grade. When I was in elementary there was just one small elementary school, Chelsea Elementary. I’ve enjoyed seeing Chelsea grow into such a large community now with three wonderful elementary schools. It means a lot to me that I am able to give back to the community who gave so much to me, and shaped me into the person I am today.
Q: What is your fondest memory of your current school, either as a teacher or student?
A: My fondest memory – besides actually getting my first and dream teaching job – would be the end of my first year of teaching. Seeing the tremendous progress of my babies was truly remarkable. They came to me at the beginning of the year not knowing how to spell their names and left reading books (and loving to read)! There is no greater reward as a teacher.
Q. What do you love most about your job?
A: I could write a book about the funny things my kids say each day. I truly believe I have the best job in the world. I get to spend my days with the sweetest, most innocent, caring, loving little people in the world. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t laugh out loud, receive about 100 hugs, and get told “I love you” numerous times a day. Who can tell me they wouldn’t want to be surrounded by that each and every day? I love getting to know my kids’ different little personalities. I love when they become comfortable with me enough to open up and let me know them. They are all so unique with different little quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. As a teacher I feel like I can’t truly help them reach their potential without knowing them. We also have an AMAZING community of teachers and staff at Forest Oaks. The faculty and staff at our school, especially my kindergarten team, are always willing to help out, give encouragement, and just be there for me. I consider them friends more than colleagues, which is pretty cool!
Q: What has teaching taught you?
A: Patience, patience, patience. I can’t say it enough. It has also taught me that communication is key. I’ve also learned to not sweat the small stuff. (This took two years to understand).
Q: If you could be present at any major historical event, what would it be and why?
A: I would have like to have been around to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I can only imagine what it would have been like to see him come out of that burial place alive and see the prophesies come to pass.
Q: What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
A: Don’t stress so much. God has better plans for you than you have for yourself.
Q: If you could meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
A: I would love to have known Anne Sullivan. She was the ultimate teacher in my opinion. She was blind herself and taught Helen Keller who was blind as well as deaf to communicate. She helped Helen with her education until she graduated from college. I would love to talk to her about her teaching experiences with her.
Q: What is the one place in the world you would like to visit and why?
A: I know that I should probably answer Europe to study the art and history. Actually I would like to visit a resort in the Caribbean where I could be pampered and just chill out.