Letters to the Editor

Monster Walk a great tradition

Monster Walk is an annual tradition in Columbiana where merchants, professionals and churches give back to the community ...

Letters to the Editor

Good service is good business

“Thank you and come again!”

Letters to the Editor

People should have right to choose

In a recent speech about the government shutdown, the president managed to turn the news conference into a ...

Letters to the Editor

America should return to her roots

While reading my child's government and economics homework, it made me think.

Letters to the Editor

Trash change was the right move

I had to let the Shelby County Commission know that their decision to change from Waste Management might ...

Letters to the Editor

Affordable Care Act a misnomer

I saw a post yesterday from someone about them trying to sign up for coverage under the Affordable ...

Letters to the Editor

Memorials should always remain open

We should all be able to agree that whatever the political disagreements in Washington, respect for our veterans ...

Letters to the Editor

National leaders acting like children

Sometimes it gets very frustrating having to put up with the childishness by the adults in the White ...

Letters to the Editor

Walk for suicide prevention

On Sunday, Nov. 3, the eighth Birmingham Out of the Darkness Community Walk will take place at Heardmont ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for help after accident

On Sept. 30, I was involved in a frightening three-vehicle collision at the intersection of U.S. 280 and ...

Letters to the Editor

Trash change a major misstep

Shelby County Commission, can you say “major mess up”?
 For 15 cents a month I would gladly take ...

Letters to the Editor

Chelsea subdivision needs major work

I am writing this letter to you on behalf of myself and the residents of Greenbriar Place subdivision.

Letters to the Editor

Dealing with a loved one’s death

I am writing regarding a dear friend, David Bryant. You ran the story about his death in Calera ...

Letters to the Editor

Vacant lots should be maintained

I would like to see something done about all the vacant lots in subdivisions that have been left ...

Letters to the Editor

Battle against racism is ongoing

Fifty years ago, Rev. Martin Luther King Junior led the "March on Washington" from Selma and began a ...

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