Birth Announcements

Beaty boy

Carson Eli Beaty was born on July 1, 2011, at 7:57 a.m.


Oldest church member honored

The members of Ward Chapel A.M.E. Church, under the leadership of Pastor Terry McCreary, honored the oldest member ...


Borelli 17th

Gionna Theresa Borelli celebrated her 17th birthday on Aug. 24.


Senior nutrition for the caregiver

Aging is a part of life. We all will become caregivers at some time. In turn, we will ...


Burping: a medical necessity

As humans, we sometimes take for granted or look down on the process of burping. Socially, burping is ...


Welcome Home: Justin Moore

Oak Mountain High School recently hired a new women's basketball coach and English teacher, causing Justin Moore to ...


MMSP brings big laughs to the stage

The Montevallo Main Street Players acting in the upcoming play "Rumors" admitted that due to the comedic timing ...


Black 3rd

Ethan Caleb Black had his third birthday on Aug. 6.



Jon and Dorothy Parker of Temple, Texas announce the marriage of their daughter, Caitlin of Belton, Texas, to ...


Westover’s seniors enjoy fellowship

Westover Senior Center is open for meetings each Wednesday at the Town Hall between the hours of 10 ...


With a hop, skip and a jump

Does your four-legged friend hop across the backyard? Do you see a skip going across the kitchen? Maybe ...


Robinson 50th

Col. (USAF, retired) and Mrs. Michael N. Robinson celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a renewal of vows ...


Shelby County Arts Council to host open house on Thursday

The Shelby County Arts Council will host an open house and student exhibit Thursday evening to kick off ...


Mr. Sapp goes to Washington

Alabaster native Jimmy Sapp spent his summer interning in Washington, D.C., during one of the capital city's most ...


Welcome home, Andrew Battista

When the University of Montevallo’s Carmichael Library had an opening for a librarian, Andrew Battista picked up his ...

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