Letters to the Editor

Vote for HB 294 to help bring jobs

I recently completed service as a member of the State Health Coordination Council (SHCC), which, along with the ...

Letters to the Editor

County celebrates Law Day next week

On May 1, 2011, communities across the country will join together to celebrate the 54th observance of Law ...

Letters to the Editor

Partnership coming about in Pelham

Recently I wrote a letter to express my concerns about Mayor Don Murphy’s plan to close the main ...

Letters to the Editor

Montevallo thinks of sister city

When opening day at the baseball field in small town Montevallo includes a moment of silence for a ...

Letters to the Editor

Teachers have other factors to consider

In response to Jan Griffey’s column, “Reality hits home for educators too,” I appreciate your sentiments and agree ...

Letters to the Editor

Fire museum will not make Pelham a destination

"The museum will bring in consistent revenue. It will make us a destination city," These were the words ...

Letters to the Editor

Increasing benefit costs equals pay cut

Teachers’ health care and retirement benefits are a very important part of our total compensation. To increase the ...

Letters to the Editor

Teachers not paid enough as is

I would like to respond to the editorial written by Jan Griffey. You are correct in the fact ...

Letters to the Editor

Citizens attempting to take back Vincent

Vincent Mayor Ray McAllister and the town council seemed to be in awe that the people would file ...

Letters to the Editor

Citizens do not agree with council

Having observed the actions of the government of the town of Vincent during the last two years, the ...

Letters to the Editor

BOE here to serve all of Shelby County

As a veteran Shelby County school board member, I want to thank the voters who worked so hard ...

Letters to the Editor

Fake weed not only banned item for sale

Someone should look at the things that are for sale in many convenience stores in Shelby County.

Letters to the Editor

Glad to see Bob Riley moving on

I am so thankful that Gomer (also known as Bob Riley) has left the state capitol. In my ...

Letters to the Editor

Abusive relationships hurt everyone

In February, many people observe Valentine’s Day — a day that celebrates love! For many women this year, ...

Letters to the Editor

Indian Springs mayor says to vote yes

There will be an election in Shelby County on Tuesday, February 8, 2011, asking us to renew a ...

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