From the Pulpit

In the end, motives do matter

“Kool-aid, Kool-aid, tastes great! Wish we had some, can’t wait!” That jingle touted one of the best brands ...

From the Pulpit

Like Jacob, your life can take a holy turn

Jacob had inspired hatred in his twin brother Esau. But it was not as if Esau did not ...

From the Pulpit

How to respond when hearing about heaven

To me, when Jesus uses a parable, it is like saying that this message is so important that ...

From the Pulpit

Holy impact of mental parameters

Romans 7:15-17, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but ...

From the Pulpit

Freedom requires we offer something in defense

In the later years of his life, my father undertook a daily ritual. He flew an American flag ...

From the Pulpit

When God calls you out, it’s time to listen

Myrtle and I share a love-hate relationship. No, Myrtle’s not my wife. That’s the name I gave to ...

From the Pulpit

Trusting God through the everyday life

A few years back, news reports told the story of Randy Reid, a Chicago construction worker who was ...

From the Pulpit

We must accept love of Christ by ourselves

This week, we’re looking at the parable Jesus told the Apostles in John 10:1-10.

From the Pulpit

We should be accountable for the choices we make

While in high school, my children had curfews. Attached to those curfews were rules, with rewards for obedience ...

From the Pulpit

Survivors are a reminder of faithfulness

Maude, an 86-year-old widow, sat in a lawn chair underneath one of the few trees left on her ...

From the Pulpit

It’s OK to question God; He provides answers

On a recent vacation, I stepped into a local shop to purchase a postcard and stamp. As the ...

From the Pulpit

We can find new life in Spirit of God

As we go through the Lenten Season, this past Sunday we were reminded how life comes only from ...

From the Pulpit

We’d do well to leave the judging up to God

Our bodies are extremely complicated and miraculously made by God. In terms of the probability of life existing ...

From the Pulpit

The secret of life? Heed the words of Jesus

In the 1991 movie City Slickers, Billy Crystal plays a confused, dissatisfied 30-something character with a vague sense ...

From the Pulpit

Becoming a useful goat in God’s pasture

Listen up, all you goat farmers, have I got a deal for you!

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