Dollars and Sense

Current fiscal crisis demands leadership

Our nation’s fiscal crisis begs for leadership. This brings to mind the sterling example of Amadeo Peter Giannini ...

Dollars and Sense

Proposed change in measure of inflation

Most of us understand that reducing the budget deficit and paying down the national debt are crucially important ...

Dollars and Sense

Ask these questions before buying insurance

Whether you’re a first-time buyer of auto insurance or already have it but are looking for a better ...

Dollars and Sense

Beware perils of borrowing from 401(k)

As the economy struggles to recover, you — like many other borrowers — may have found it difficult ...

Dollars and Sense

‘Remote capture deposits’ a useful tool

For one reason or another, you may not feel like going to the bank to deposit your checks. ...

Dollars and Sense

Making your home more secure

While we may not realize it, many of us make our homes easy targets for criminals. This may ...

Dollars and Sense

When term insurance makes sense

You want your loved ones to be financially protected if you can no longer provide for them.

Dollars and Sense

Financial preparation for natural disasters

The recent flurry of devastating tornadoes that swept across Alabama and other parts of the nation illustrates that ...

Dollars and Sense

Driving principles of market economy still true

The Jamestown colony was floundering, hovering on the brink of disaster with staggering financial and human losses. Only ...

Dollars and Sense

Financial literacy is crucial in today’s economy

Despite the economic recovery currently under way, many Alabamians still face a monumental financial crisis. Consumer indebtedness in ...

Dollars and Sense

Using smart phones for banking activities

Studies indicate that 90 percent of the American people have cell phones. And by the end of this ...

Dollars and Sense

Take care to choose reputable credit counseling

Like most Americans, you probably recognize the need for financial planning. You may also understand that the importance ...

Dollars and Sense

You can make up a lost tax break

Did your dependent — as determined by the Internal Revenue Service — become independent?

Dollars and Sense

Get the credit rating you want

Customers often ask why lenders need to review their credit report before approving them for a home or ...

Dollars and Sense

Food prices expected to rise even higher

Why are food prices so high? That question is on the minds of most consumers today.

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