Community Columnists

No-nonsense guide to effective leadership skills, Part 1

A good leader is more than a manager. Being a good leader has nothing to do with your ...

Community Columnists

Growth mindset how-to list

In order to understand how to take on the practice of creating a growth mindset, first, take a ...

Community Columnists

Comparing yourself to other people

If you are human, you have done it. You compare yourself to other people. The good news is ...

Community Columnists

Choose your thoughts like you choose your words

Now that you have examined how choosing your thoughts makes an impact on your growth and potential, you ...

Community Columnists

How to change your mind

When it comes to changing your mind, do you view that as a negative? In other words, do ...

Community Columnists

Communication and changing your mindset

Older theories about intelligence dictate to us that we are born a certain way.

Community Columnists

Using technology to your advantage

There are absolutely no excuses for not being organized and achieving goals. Gadgets and technology can help you ...

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