Community Columnists

Expanding experience through foreign exchange

“We’re getting an exchange student,” said PHS French teacher Courtney Farley. “We’re so excited!”

Community Columnists

Parents follow students’ footsteps at open house

“How does Bethany do this every Friday?” asked her mom. Jeni Warden was feeling the strain of her ...

Community Columnists

Clearing up college and career mysteries

“I’m extremely glad that I went to College and Career Night because I had so many misconceptions about ...

Community Columnists

Russell closes 28 years of service at PHS

“Where is Marylou?” was the slogan chosen for a T-shirt commemorating the retirement of PHS Registrar Marylou Russell ...

Community Columnists

PHS French program boasts ‘full house’

Pelham High School keeps going long after the three o’clock bell sounds.

Community Columnists

PHS kicks off 2016 season with spirited pep rally

“The seniors are a good class, but the junior class is just better,” said Will Pierce. “Yep, I’d ...

Community Columnists

Excitement builds over new recreation center

“Hey, Kevin is underneath the building,” Pelham Parks and Recreation Director Billy Crandall said when I went by ...

Community Columnists

Summer cheer preps squads for school year

“We love having summer cheer camp for youth cheerleaders,” PHS Varsity Cheer Sponsor Jean Coker said. “Watching the ...

Community Columnists

Pelham students registered and ready

Registration at Pelham High School has changed in the past few years due to school construction, administrative preference ...

Community Columnists

Pantherettes learn more than dance at camp

“Are you ready?” “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I answered. Home from media camp at the University ...

Community Columnists

Gratitude class graduates from PHS

“We are the Class of Tweet ’16,” Pelham High School Class President Jenna Bennett said beginning her welcoming ...

Community Columnists

Men and Women of Letters

“Write a letter to an author, living or dead, whose work has changed the way that you feel ...

Community Columnists

Students share talent through children’s books

With a whirlwind of May activities, including 18 children’s books and a literary magazine under production, complicated by ...

Community Columnists

Pelham’s Strickland is D.C. Bound

“I won Presidential Scholar!” PHS Senior Peyton Strickland’s message said.

Community Columnists

Students—Past, Present, Future and Forever

My Competitive Writing class is a small group of juniors and seniors writing for scholarships and publication.

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