Letters to the Editor for April 16th, 2008

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dear Editor,

How can our Governor even entertain cutting funds for our Early Intervention programs?

My child has been extremely fortunate in that she has had the benefit of these programs her entire life.

The services offered by The Arc of Shelby County and the Eclipse program at Creekview Elementary have been invaluable to my child and our family.

My little girl, Darby, was born with Down Syndrome, which changed our lives.

Imagine our joy at finding out about the wonderful services available to our child! As a result of these Early Intervention services, Darby is high functioning and has the potential to be a functioning member of society later in life.

Governor Riley&8217;s latest position on funds for these programs is a serious setback for all of the children in need of these services.

Unless someone has walked in the shoes of the parents of a special needs child, they cannot understand how devastating this action will be to these children and families.

Perhaps Governor Riley should pay some visits to these programs before he takes this action.

Many dollars are spent in support of &8220;No Child Left Behind&8221;; perhaps there needs to be a program entitled &8220;No Child is Forgotten&8221; because our Governor is certainly forgetting about Darby and all special needs children in our state.

Laney Reese
