Gearing up for fall tournament

Published 2:11 pm Friday, October 17, 2008

We’re gearing up for our fall tournament to be held Oct 30-31 and Nov. 1 at Riverchase Presbyterian Church in Hoover.

Setup is always a challenge because it’s a last-minute thing. Most tournaments are held on a Fri.-Sat.-Sun. schedule, but since we’re using a church facility, it’s otherwise occupied on Sundays. It’s also occupied on Wednesday evening, which means we can’t start setting up until 7:30 or so. It’s all very busy, but worth it.


Monday: Judy Funk and Kathy Flemming, Marion Petters and Donna Sigrist, Jerrie Friar and Liz Milko, Kathryn Howell and Judy Converse.

Thursday: Jerrie Friar and myself (!), Jill Salmon and John Griffith, Bonnie Segers and Judy Painter, Judy Chase and Mel Dupuis.

Friday: Mac Lacasse and John Lusco, Janet Johnson and Barbara Dawson, Lanell and Paul Saeger, Judy and Don Hasseld, Judy Chase and Bernie Liberman, Jo Weatherly and Charlotte Lusco, Sarah Smith and Mary Ellen Thomas.

TIP OF THE WEEK: In previous columns I’ve talked about the use of Jacoby Transfers over a 1NT opening bid. Most players use transfers only for hearts and spades, however what about clubs and diamonds? I teach 4-way transfers as follows: a 1NT-2S bid indicates a transfer to clubs. The sequence is 1NT-2S, 3C-?. If the intention is to play in diamonds, responder bids 3D and the auction is complete. Is this a true transfer? No, in the case of diamonds the “good” hand is exposed. I teach that you should only transfer to clubs and diamonds with a weak hand, a six-card suit and 0-7 HCP. This still gives you 2NT as an 8-9 point hand. Any 1NT-3(any) bid is treated as strong, 12-plus points and natural, game forcing with slam interest.

HAND OF THE WEEK: I had a train wreck hand and a 29-point opener. People go to NASCAR races to see the wrecks, so here’s the wreck. (The 29-point hand had four aces, four queens, a king and two jacks, leaving only two pips remaining. It makes 6NT).

This hand should only be played on Halloween. North gets his just desserts by refusing to pick either hearts or spades as South had bid; South figures partner must have a solid seven to keep the bidding going and raises to game, holding only two. The queen traps the king (1) followed by two more heart winners from West (2, 3); East discarding her two spades. A spade is ruffed (4), followed by a club to North’s queen. Declarer drops the king of diamonds, taken by West (5), followed by a spade, ruffed by East (6). In football it’s called Piling On, but on this hand it was the six of hearts returned by West, which provided an Uppercut; promoting East’s jack of diamonds (7). There is little consolation to NS that the other two teams played 3NT (down 4) and 3H (down 2). Minus 200 for NS was a top board.