Shelby County EMA to host storm spotter class
Published 5:06 pm Wednesday, March 11, 2015
By GRAHAM BROOKS / Staff Writer
CALERA–Shelby County is hosting a National Weather Service SKYWARN Spotter Class at Calera Baptist Church on Thursday, March 26 at 6 p.m.
The class will be taught by a National Weather Service meteorologist who will show how to identify weather hazards and safely protect yourself and your family during severe weather.
The class is free to the public and will last approximately two hours.
Hub Harvey, Emergency Management Supervisor for Shelby County, volunteered for many years and did some disaster relief work and thinks it’s a great chance for members of the public to get valuable information.
“We’re going to have materials to hand out and the biggest thing for me on why I think the class is important is to better understand weather formations and when it’s a good time to go inside and safe to go outside,” said Harvey. “Just having personal information of that knowledge to keep you and your family safe.”
There are no registration requirements. The public is invited to bring their NOAA Weather Radio to be programmed for free by the Shelby County Amateur Radio Club.
There will be a room available for people to bring their radios to be programmed for free and Harvey mentioned that many people took advantage of this at last year’s class.
“This class is held every year and this is the only one in Shelby County this year,” said Harvey. “We had about 250 people attend last year and we are hoping to have more attend this year.”
The Red Cross and the Salvation Army are currently signed up to attend the class as well.