Pelham modifies disaster plan
Published 4:11 pm Wednesday, February 4, 2015
By JON HARRISON/ Staff Writer
The Pelham City Council discussed the creation and implementation of a modified disaster plan for the city during a city council work session on Tuesday, Feb. 2.
Mayor Gary Waters said the city will be working with the Shelby County Emergency Management Agency to create a more effective plan for disaster situations.
“It is a part of our reevaluation of the county hazard mitigation plan that we do every five years,” said Shelby County’s EMA supervisor, Hub Harvey. “This allows us to be able to look back at the last five years and see what we needed and then apply for grants for things like shelters and generators.”
Councilman Ron Scott said, during the work session, he would like to see more effective communication during disaster events like last January’s snowstorm.
“It isn’t a new plan because a disaster plan is a living document and is modified to accommodate new challenges,” said Pelham mayor Gary Waters.
“What is different about this plan,” said Waters, “is that this is the first time we have been able to take our school system into consideration. Having our own school system has made things a lot less choppy because we don’t have to wait on approval from Shelby County to move forward.”
Waters said the disaster plan covers a wide range of events and is a plan to be followed in any disaster situation.
“The disaster plan is a very broad plan,” said Waters. “The idea is to be able to use the plan in any disaster situation whether it be snow, flood or tornado. This will be the plan to follow.”
The city of Pelham will be working with the Shelby County EMA throughout the coming months to polish the modified disaster plan and to reevaluate aspects of the existing procedures.