Calera City Council approves stop signs for Camden Cove
Published 4:19 pm Thursday, May 23, 2013
By MOLLIE BROWN/For the Reporter
CALERA – The Calera City Council voted to add stop signs at an intersection in the Camden Cove subdivision during its May 20 meeting.
The council voted to add the signs after receiving feedback from city officials about problems with the intersection, which is located at Camden Cove Parkway and Renwick Lane. City Engineer Chris Pappas said the intersection’s topography and landscape impair vision.
Calera Police Chief Sean Lemley also voiced his concerns about the intersection.
“I absolutely despise these types of designs,” Calera Police Chief Sean Lemley said. “It’s basically a 90 degree turn that has no traffic control device, so think of making a 25-miles-an-hour turn. That’s reckless. It’s literally a three-way intersection and all three-way intersections need traffic control devises.”
Pappas said there is impairment from a distance, but nothing blocks the driver’s vision once he or she arrives at the intersection.
Watts asked if the shrubbery needed to be trimmed or eliminated. Pappas said he would need to re-visit the intersection to make that call.
Pappas also updated the council concerning the city’s ATRIP application for funding improvements to the I-65, exit 231 bridge. Pappas said the application would be submitted May 21.
Pappas has confirmation from ALDOT for a $500,000 contribution for engineering expenses with a match from the city of $125,000, a total of $625,000. KDR Construction is presently working on an engineering proposal.
Lemley said he called another CSX reporting line and filed a report concerning the Hwy 22 railroad crossing in front of Sysco. As it stands, his hands are tied to the timeliness of the repairs. Concerned citizens can report the problem directly to the CSX report line at 1-800-232-0144. Follow the prompts, enter crossing number 352283W. The crossing is at mile marker 421.47.
In other business, the council
• Heard from Park and Recreation Director Seth Gandy concerning travel ball tournaments that are scheduled for June 15 and 27 at Oliver Park.
• Janet Greathouse reminded the council the horseshoe parking in front of the library is for patrons and signs will be placed the days of the tournaments designating this.