Cicero on the bird trail again

Published 9:41 am Saturday, November 7, 2009

If you are on Linda Cicero’s e–mail list –– and many of you are –– you get an e–mail almost every day advising you to enjoy and take care of the great out-of-doors.

This last week, she reminded her friends of the beautiful fall leaves and the migrating birds and butterflies.

Cicero has been a resident of Montevallo for many years.

She taught physical education in the elementary school and retired in 1996. The years since she has spent working on civic organizations and projects. Her favorites are the Civitan Club, a children’s nature camp she organizes and facilitates every summer, and the fall and spring bird count that she and Nancy Simmer initiated.

She serves on the Arbor and Beautification Board and on the Parnell Memorial Library Foundation Board.

Cicero’s love of nature is very evident in her writing. In this last e–mail she encouraged the recipients to replenish their feeders and birdbaths.

She explained that this time of year the migrating birds and butterflies depend on you to make their long journey safer and easier. She is adamant that trimming the berry or seedpod bearing shrubbery in the fall is a bad idea as they provide food for both our resident and the migrating birds.

Year-round tips for birders and easy steps to open a backyard to a wonderful world of wildlife are other features of her e–mail.

Along with her suggestions to provide plenty of food and water, she recommended establishing shelter with birdhouses and shrubbery, and avoiding using pesticides.

“Because of people like Linda Cicero,” said Police Chief Steve Holt, “Montevallo has been both a bird and a butterfly sanctuary for a great number of years. I would remind citizens that this community is committed to caring for them and that if anyone harms one, they are in big trouble.”

She encourages her friends to get out this fall and enjoy nature.

“Take a hike,” said Cicero. “In Orr Park, Stephens Park, Ebenezer Swamp boardwalk, Oak Mountain State Park/Wildlife Center, or the Cahaba River Wildlife Refuge. Other good places to walk are the College Lake, the Montevallo Trail or just get out in your own backyard.”

If you have stories to share about birds or other wildlife, this naturalist would love to have and to share them.

Her e–mail address is Interesting websites for wildlife enthusiasts are and

Catherine Legg can be reached at