Columbiana Youth Basketball

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 8, 2003

Games Played on Dec. 14, 2002


Odgers edged the Coyotes 26-24.

Blake Odgers lead the offense with 13


Samuel Hutchinson contributed 4 points while Jacob Tidmore and Kinady Wood hustled on defense.

Alex Kaymoulis scored 13 points for the Coyotes followed by Dakota Faulkner, who scored 4.

Dylan Gronthan and Kaitlyn Paschall contributed defensively.

The Wildcats beat Coach Pate’s team 21-13.

Tyler Madison was the lead scorer with 14 points followed by Sam Jebeles.

Jesse Hughes and Anna Head contributed to the defense.

Parker Owen scored 7 points for Coach pate, followed by Tyler Pate.

Hunter Morris and Timothy Warren aided defensively.


Shultz’s team defeated the Court Devils, in overtime, 27 – 22.

Cicily Walton and Ashley Trammell scored 8 and 7 points respectively.

Megan Shultz and Alisha Wilcoxen contributed to the defense.

High scorers for the Court Devils included Witney Green with 9 and Elizabeth Dudley with 6 points.

Sarah Walker and Jessica Rasco played great defense.

The Huskies edged the Wildcats 25 – 22.

La Tonya woods scored 9 points.

Alysia Perkins also contributed 7 points for the Huskies.

Brandi Lewis and Ashley Mizzell provided strong defense.

The Wildcat leading scorers were Cycola Blue with 14 points followed by Chelsea O’Shields with 4.

Braily Smith and Kelsie Knight played well defensively.


Green outscored Porter’s Polar Bears 39 – 20.

Ty Lollar lead the offense with 22 points.

Deon Green scored 8 points.

Tom Woods and Joey Wilson hustled on defense.

Porter’s Polar Bears’ leading scorer was Colton Richardson with 10 points followed by Chase Payne with 4.

Aaron Walker and Gregory Young played a super defensive game.

The Lakers beat Herrington’s team 36 – 23.

Michael Stannard lead the offense with 14 points followed by Keaton Wood with 12.

Ryan Etress gave numerous assists while Cage Head played strong defense.

On Herrington’s team, Nathan Herrington scored 8 oints.

Joshua Gibson contributed 4 points and Sam Scoggin and Corban Brooks hustled on defense.


Coach Roullier’s team hustled to a win over the 76er’s 38 to 21.

Leading scorers included Nick Sheffield with 10 points, Tyler Harris with 9 points and Chad King with 8 points.

Brantley Willis and Justin Kauss contributed to the defense.

The 76er’s lead scorer was Jon Walden with 10 points followed by Ethan Patterson with 4.

Joe Pate and Josh Marley played tenacious defense. Simon’s team defeated the Wildcats 29 – 24.

High scorers included Stephen Bulger, Jacob Lumpkin and Jordan Simon with 8, 7 and 7 points respectively.

Fletcher Holtzclaw gave the defense a boost.

The Wildcats leading scorer was Joshua Dunnaway with 12 points.

Brent Ross and Cody Shields each contributed 4 points.

Christopher Reece provided strong defense.

Coach Sutton’s team beat the Mavericks 42 – 15.

Darion Sutton scored 18 points and Tae Lewis added 15 points to help win the game.

Bay Len Scott and Codi Schoggen contributed to the defense.

The Mavericks high scorers included Jordan Benly and Braten Dill with 7 and 6 points respectively.

Jared Brown and Zach Treadway played tenacious defense.


The Columbiana Blue Devils outscored Coach Martin’s team 44 – 24.

Graham Davis and Brent Douglas were the leading scorers with 19 and 16 points respectively.

Zachary Finklea and Taylor Archly aided the defense.

Coach Martin’s team scoring was led by Justin Crum with 8 points and David Karr with 7.

Billy Carter and Kirk Robinson gave a good defensive effort.

After a strong defensive effort, the Mavericks defeated the Bucks 23 to 13.

Robbie Smith and Daniel Bulger each scored 8 and 7 points respectively.

While Aaron Bush and clint Grantham gave a strong defensive stand.

The Bucks’ Nick Oliver led his team with 6 points and numerous assists.

James Stannard scored 4 points and played tenacious defense.

Daniel Teal and Adam Reaves grabbed many rebounds with Desmond Mayfield contributing to the defense