Keep your station wagons

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 28, 2003

I’ve been shopping around for a new automobile lately. I’m getting older, I reasoned, it’s time to get something a little more practical.

I drive a convertible. It’s a completely impractical car. The back seat is small and, because I’m not known for keeping my car nice and tidy, stuff goes flying out on those rare occasions when I drop the top.

And it’s red. We’ve all heard statistics about drivers of red cars getting more speeding tickets than other drivers. I blame at least three speeding tickets on the fact that I’ve always had a red car. Trust me, it has nothing to do with the fact I was probably driving too fast.

So I started looking around at different cars. There sure are a lot of varieties out there.

I first looked at some sports utility vehicles. Now we’re talking, I thought.

Some of those SUVs were bigger than my college apartment. One even had a DVD player and television screen mounted in the back of the driver’s seat and we all know nothing mixes better than driving and watching a movie.

Then, I looked at some nice, respectable four-door cars. It sure would be a lot easier for those riding with me to get in and out of my vehicle if they didn’t have to crawl out from the backseat, I thought.

And that’s when it hit me. I’m getting sensible about my car purchases. Gone are the days when all I cared about was the color of the car and the loudness of the stereo.

What’s next? A mini-van? A station wagon complete with wooden door panels? Does turning into one’s mother mean you have to drive her car, too?

I think I will keep the red convertible for a bit longer. I may be getting older, but my car doesn’t need to go along.

Uncle Sam’s calling

A little more than a month ago, the Hartselle Enquirer welcomed a new advertising manager. Chris Gunter came to Hartselle from Montgomery and brought with him his new wife, Allison.

He was just getting settled in when the news came that he was being called into active duty with his Army Reserve Unit. Just one month after taking a new bride and a new job, Chris is headed off to the Persian Gulf as a member of the U.S. Army Reserves.

This is Chris’ second tour of active duty. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Chris was one of the thousands of soldiers called up to help in homeland defense.

He returned home and back to the newspaper business. However, just as life was starting again, Uncle Sam made another call.

And Chris &045; along with so many other brave Americans &045; answered that call.

Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family and with the thousands of other soldiers who are also answering that call.

Leada DeVaney is the publisher and editor of Hartselle Newspapers, Inc. which publishes the Hartselle Enquirer and the Madison County Record. She is the former managing editor of the Shelby County Reporter. She can be reached at