Read and get facts before decision
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 23, 2003
This week, we began a series regarding the Jan. 13 vote in Shelby County.
If approved, the vote will increase property taxes for county residents by 9 mills. Those additional funds will be used to help schools meet the overcrowding problems caused by our county’s tremendous growth.
It is no secret and should be no surprise to anyone that our schools are experiencing the same type of population explosion as other infrastructure in the county.
We must do something to meet these needs.
And it is obvious the state is not going to be delivering any additional funding to Shelby County in our Christmas stocking this year.
So, something must be done.
Those we have elected to the Shelby County Board of Education have chosen this 9-mill property tax as a viable option for meeting those building needs.
We only ask that each Shelby County resident keep an open mind.
It was obvious in September that taxation without accountability was unacceptable to almost everyone.
As you read and study along with us during the next couple of weeks, however, keep an open mind.
Get all the facts and learn how this increase will really affect your pocketbook. Only then can you make a decision that will truly benefit Shelby County.