Zoning election set in North Shelby
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 21, 2004
County staff may soon zone a portion of the county if voters approve it in a zoning election next month.
On Jan. 18, voters in the Chelsea North – Dunnavant Valley South-Westover North zoning beat will go to the polls to cast ballots in favor or against zoning in their beat. The vote comes after residents filed a petition in September calling for zoning the beat.
About 3,000 voters live in the beat.
Staff members from the county’s department of development services held two public meetings to gather input from residents of the beat last week.
According to Ray Hamilton, director of development services, more than 100 people attended the first meeting at Mt. Laurel Elementary School on Dec. 14. Slightly less attended the second meeting at New Life Assembly Church on Dec. 16.
During the meetings, county staff displayed maps showing the county’s newly adopted comprehensive plan, and its land uses, such as residential, agricultural and commercial.
They showed existing land uses on a map next to that one, and finally a map of the proposed zoning.
Michelle O’Neal, a planner in the county’s development services, attended the public meetings and answered questions.
&uot;Primarily, we had questions about what uses are allowed in the various districts,&uot; she said.
According to O’Neal, staff members have proposed a holding zone classification for much of the beat. In the holding zones, existing uses are allowed. If changes are proposed, residents must seek approval from the planning commission and show that the changes meet criteria established in the comprehensive plan.
&uot;In other words, existing uses are grandfathered in,&uot; O’Neal said, describing the holding zone classification.
Voting locations for the zoning election on Tuesday, Jan. 18, are New Life Assembly of God, North Shelby Baptist Church YouthBlast and Shoal Creek Town Hall. Voting times are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m