Letters to the Editor for March 15, 2006

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Dear Editor,

The University of Alabama leadership gets an &8220;F&8221; for allowing Philip Morris USA headhunters on their campus to attempt to lure our brilliant graduating students into a job promoting their legal-but-lethal tobacco.

Would University of Alabama officials allow Osama Bin Laden on campus to recruit?

Before you scream, let me remind you tobacco slaughters over 7,600 Alabama tobacco addicts every day painfully and with much long suffering.

Can you imagine how many hearts are broken from these 7,600 premature deaths?

January 13, 1964: I was eleven-years-old when my dad died from emphysema caused by his smoking addiction.

Mike Sawyer


Dear Editor,

What does it take to get the attention of Shelby County officials to get the garbage piled up on I-65 in the Shelby County area cleaned up?

I have contacted Richard Shelby and (local media outlets).

The garbage on I-65 in Shelby County is out of control. No one from the DOT (or whoever is responsible) has cleaned it up in six months.

It&8217;s not only horrible to look at, but quite a traffic distraction. Jefferson County cleans their area up every two weeks.

I saw workers on March 8 on I-65 in the Jefferson County area working hard to clean the road up.

Good for you Jefferson County. Where is Shelby County&8217;s help?

Also, where is the Alabama Highway Patrol in helping?

There needs to be stiffer enforcement and fines in this area.

I say to the perpetrators, &8220;please stop littering.&8221; I say to Shelby County officials, &8220;please help getting it cleaned up.&8221;

Alabama the Beautiful? Not hardly.

Vicky Gandy
