Alabaster councilman questions city officials

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Alabaster Councilmember Jerry Workman continues to seek ways to bring events and grants for improvements into his ward, which includes the Simsville area, to add diversity to city boards and to question city officials.

In pre council Monday night Workman asked about sitting down with department heads to come up with library and park and recreational activities in his ward and to use facilities on Weatherly Club Drive for such things as a senior citizen events.

Councilmembers, including Mike Sherwood, encouraged Workman to do the research himself and present a plan to the council.

&8220;You&8217;re putting off your job on other people,&8221; Sherwood said. He told Workman to come up with an idea, figure it out and present it.

Workman said Monday night&8217;s advice was the third different direction he had been given.

He said he did not know what he would do next if he comes back to the council with a plan &8220;and I&8217;m shot down again.&8221;

Workman also informed councilmembers that he working on a draft resolution for diversity in board appointments.

He handed out copies of a state House of Representatives resolution by Rep. James Buskey, which he said would be referenced.

The House resolution adopted April 5 states, &8220;That we hereby encourage all municipal governing bodies throughout the state, when making membership appointments to the various municipal boards, commissions and agencies, to make appointments that are inclusive of the general population and that reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban and rural and economic diversity of the state.&8221;

When asked why he voted no, to recent board appointments that included a minority, he responded that no analysis was done on the makeup of city boards.

He said he was not against the persons appointed.

In a separate matter Workman questioned city officials, attorney Greg Morris and City Administrator Tony Rivera about tickets given for code enforcement outside the city limits.

He said the council passed a resolution to enforce code outside the city limits contingent on cooperation with the county.

He said there was no agreement with the county &8220;and yet we are issuing citations.&8221;

Rivera said the city is issuing citations where the city limits are being affected. But he said the city is not going three miles out into its police jurisdiction