Head, Johnson claim cross country titles

Published 9:49 pm Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shelby County High School junior Jacqueline Head, center, quickly made her way to the front of the pack Oct. 11 in the Shelby County girls' cross country championship meet at Heardmont Park. (Reporter Photo/Wesley Hallman)

By WESLEY HALLMAN / Sports Editor

NORTH SHELBY — The cross country course at Heardmont Park provides plenty of challenges for Shelby County High School junior Jacqueline Head with its rough terrain and famous creek path.

Add a consistent misty rain to the equation and it can be downright difficult, Head said.

Head overcame all obstacles Oct. 11 as she claimed her second consecutive Shelby County cross country championship with a time of 19:51.62. Head edged Oak Mountain freshman Haley Davidson, who took an early lead in the 5K race, by more than 30 seconds in the championship meet. Davidson, who helped Oak Mountain capture the girls’ team championship, posted a time of 20:21.84.

Head, who ran the race as an individual with Shelby County fielding only two runners, said she felt a sense of accomplishment after joining former Pelham standout Dena O’Brien as a back-to-back county champion.

“It’s such a tough course,” Head said. “I always feel really good after running it.”

The championship was Head’s second this season. Head also won the Scottsboro Invitational last month.

Anna Puckett of Thompson came in third overall in individual standings with her time of 20:59.18. Briarwood Christian’s Becky Thielman finished fourth overall with her time of 21:12.96. Erin Landa of Pelham rounded out the top five with her time of 21:49.09.

Thompson finished second in girls’ team standings. Pelham came in third in the girls’ team standings.

The Warriors’ Michael Johnson edged defending boys’ champion Will Hamaker of Oak Mountain by less than a second to claim the boys’ individual championship.

Johnson finished with a time of 17:19.67, which edged Hamaker’s time of 17:20.57.

Johnson said he was motivated to win by those who have disrespected the Thompson boys’ cross country team.

“I was just trying to prove all of the people wrong who think Thompson isn’t any good,” Johnson said.

Oak Mountain claimed the boys’ team championship after featuring two top-five finishers, including Travis Rocha, who came in fourth overall in individual standings with his time of 17:54.32.

Westminster School at Oak Mountain’s Adam Dunkerley finished third overall with his time of 17:43.58. Mason Webber of Pelham finished fifth overall with his time of 17:56.56.

Complete results are posted below.

Xpress Timing – Contractor License Hy-Tek’s MEET MANAGER  7:43 PM  10/11/2011  Page 1
Shelby County XC Championships 2011 – 10/11/2011
Heardmont Park
Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results – Men
1 Johnson, Michael             Thompson              17:19.67    1
2 Hamaker, Will                Oak Mountain HS       17:20.57    2
3 Dunkerley, Adam              Westminster           17:43.58    3
4 Rocha, Travis                Oak Mountain HS       17:54.32    4
5 Webber, Mason                Pelham                17:56.56    5
6 Syx, Tanner                  Oak Mountain HS       18:07.48    6
7 Mintz, Caleb                 Oak Mountain HS       18:15.92    7
8 Reeder, Randy                Oak Mountain HS       18:20.68    8
9 Smith, Jordan                Thompson              18:23.14    9
10 Long, Trey                   Briarwood Ch          18:41.48   10
11 Givan, Andrew                Pelham                18:43.16   11
12 Whorton, Sam                 Briarwood Ch          18:43.31   12
13 McVay, Jonathon              Thompson              18:44.03   13
14 Midgette, Kevin              Pelham                18:50.51   14
15 Stein, Connor                Oak Mountain HS      x18:54.03   15
16 Thompson, Noah               Westminster           18:58.34   16
17 Burdette, Alex               Chelsea               19:03.09   17
18 Cook, Connor                 Oak Mountain HS      x19:03.23   18
19 Price, Joesph                Oak Mountain HS      x19:07.76
20 Parker, Drew                 Westminster           19:08.01   19
21 Coleman, Alex                Thompson              19:08.68   20
22 Henke, Garrett               Oak Mountain HS      x19:15.18
23 Long, Jared                  Briarwood Ch          19:17.20   21
24 Underwood, Evan              Thompson              19:28.79   22
25 Masionville, Ian             Oak Mountain HS      x19:30.39
26 Richburg, Logan              Westminster           19:35.93   23
27 Bucher, Daniel               Oak Mountain HS      x19:39.96
28 Wilson, Caleb                Oak Mountain HS      x19:41.08
29 Roberson, C. Mack            Oak Mountain HS      x19:41.32
30 Canyon, Boyd                 Oak Mountain HS      x19:48.37
31 Edge, Ricky                  Oak Mountain HS      x19:48.89
32 Moffett, Cole                Westminster           19:50.87   24
33 Pierce, Casey                Pelham                19:51.60   25
34 Porter, Austin               Thompson             x20:02.09   26
35 Oneal, Miles                 Oak Mountain HS      x20:02.31
36 Harrison, Kaelan             Pelham                20:05.33   27
37 Hill, Zach                   Pelham               x20:07.62   28
38 Vance, Zac                   Moody                 20:09.38
39 Jones, Nicholas              Briarwood Ch          20:13.28   29
40 Countess, Thomas             Briarwood Ch          20:13.44   30
41 Robinson, Darius             Oak Mountain HS      x20:16.14
42 Latham, Daniel               Oak Mountain HS      x20:22.49
43 Hutchens, Josh               Chelsea               20:22.66   31
44 Vincent, Taylor              Thompson             x20:25.69   32
45 Adams, Nick                  Chelsea               20:28.12   33
46 Padgett, Phillip             Chelsea               20:30.97   34
47 Lemons, Carter               Westminster          x20:33.92   35
48 Hughes, Chris                Chelsea               20:35.41   36
49 Owens, Alex                  Pelham               x20:37.59   37
50 Hamaker, Jack                Oak Mountain HS      x20:40.52
51 Harrington, Dylan            Briarwood Ch         x20:42.05   38
52 Bonner, Michael              Oak Mountain HS      x20:43.04
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Shelby County XC Championships 2011 – 10/11/2011
Heardmont Park
….Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
53 Smith, Garrett               Westminster          x20:44.13   39
54 Messer, Malcolm              Westminster          x20:45.25
55 Lewis, Patrick               Briarwood Ch         x20:46.01   40
56 Shaw, Ethan                  Westminster          x20:46.84
57 Touliatos, Gabe              Westminster          x20:52.46
58 Welch, Jacob                 Westminster          x20:59.01
59 Chiarella, Joseph            Pelham               x21:00.65
60 Cespedes, Luke               Chelsea              x21:00.97   41
61 Orrison, David               Oak Mountain HS      x21:02.39
62 Balliet, Hill                Indian Springs        21:04.85   42
63 Dean, Luke                   Oak Mountain HS      x21:06.66
64 Fleagle, Johnathan           Pelham               x21:10.34
65 McGarty, Connor              Indian Springs        21:11.74   43
66 Herlihy, Tj                  Thompson             x21:11.75
67 Ashmead, Keaton              Thompson             x21:11.78
68 Belcher, Gavin               Thompson             x21:12.76
69 Park, Austin                 Oak Mountain HS      x21:13.82
70 Sparkman, Sam                Pelham               x21:14.30
71 Bray, Darius                 Thompson             x21:15.34
72 Hutchins, Hunter             Chelsea              x21:19.67   44
73 Trippeer, Chris              Oak Mountain HS      x21:25.36
74 Shouse, Davis                Oak Mountain HS      x21:32.77
75 Hill, David                  Oak Mountain HS      x21:37.54
76 Brown, Taylor                Oak Mountain HS      x21:37.89
77 Brokaw, Austin               Oak Mountain HS      x21:39.76
78 Thompson, Sterling           Chelsea              x21:41.38
79 Brown, Timothy               Thompson             x21:41.73
80 Snell, Warren                Thompson             x21:44.99
81 Gauldin, Will                Briarwood Ch         x21:46.90
82 Nix, Kyle                    Briarwood Ch         x21:53.56
83 Lawler, Trevor               Chelsea              x21:57.86
84 George, Colton               Pelham               x22:04.22
85 Haikes, Austin               Oak Mountain HS      x22:07.69
86 Sparkman, Will               Pelham               x22:10.60
87 Ospina, Gabe                 Oak Mountain HS      x22:11.38
88 Fredrick, Cayman             Briarwood Ch         x22:12.66
89 Bishop, Travis               Oak Mountain HS      x22:12.97
90 Johnson, Grant               Pelham               x22:13.43
91 Morris, Wally                Shelby County         22:13.85   45
92 Jones, Ben                   Oak Mountain HS      x22:17.01
93 Simpson, David               Chelsea              x22:18.81
94 Smith, Sawyer                Oak Mountain HS      x22:23.97
95 Hendrix, Hunter              Thompson             x22:28.32
96 Fant, Sean                   Chelsea              x22:34.65
97 Harrison, John               Oak Mountain HS      x22:36.61
98 Meredith, Corban             Oak Mountain HS      x22:45.15
99 Acker, Josh                  Vincent               22:49.04
100 Williams, John               Westminster          x22:49.78
101 Tittle, Mason                Pelham               x22:50.95
102 Bailey, Shane                Chelsea              x22:53.22
103 Shelton, John                Chelsea              x23:00.61
104 Brown, Sam                   Oak Mountain HS      x23:05.36
105 Bauer, Elijah                Pelham               x23:05.67
106 Schramek, Jay                Oak Mountain HS      x23:29.19
107 Kelly, Clark                 Oak Mountain HS      x23:37.02
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Shelby County XC Championships 2011 – 10/11/2011
Heardmont Park
….Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
108 Farris, Joesph               Oak Mountain HS      x23:37.91
109 Ireland, William             Oak Mountain HS      x23:39.10
110 Robinson, Christopher        Chelsea              x23:41.13
111 Moore, Joshua                Westminster          x23:59.54
112 Bryars, Hayden               Pelham               x24:02.91
113 Easterling, Chase            Oak Mountain HS      x24:03.50
114 Lavoie, Ryan                 Briarwood Ch         x24:06.71
115 Beasley, Nick                Shelby County         24:07.49   46
116 Richardson, Andrzej          Indian Springs        24:11.74   47
117 White, Ryan                  Thompson             x24:13.23
118 Atkinson, Dixon              Pelham               x24:16.04
119 Humphries, Olen              Oak Mountain HS      x24:18.72
120 Hinds, Robbie                Thompson             x24:28.30
121 Welch, Dal                   Chelsea              x24:33.25
122 Mann, Robert                 Westminster          x24:36.99
123 Shoemaker, Bobby             Shelby County         24:47.68   48
124 Haney, Benji                 Chelsea              x24:53.83
125 Cox, Drew                    Chelsea              x25:02.45
126 Hong, Jun                    Indian Springs        25:06.82   49
127 Russel, Sean                 Oak Mountain HS      x25:17.36
128 Ridgway, Alan                Chelsea              x25:17.92
129 Powers, Pj                   Shelby County         25:25.15   50
130 Guanipa, Mikey               Chelsea              x25:28.43
131 Knapp, Billy                 Indian Springs        25:29.77   51
132 Thurman, Landon              Thompson             x25:57.19
133 Rickard, Cole                Chelsea              x25:59.83
134 Farley, Mac                  Indian Springs       x26:28.48   52
135 Nichols, Ryan                Thompson             x27:11.05
136 Turner, Gareth               Indian Springs       x27:24.41   53
137 Janssen, John Gerrit         Chelsea              x27:31.16
138 Senn, Cole                   Indian Springs       x27:38.69
139 Mercer, Justin               Indian Springs       x27:39.94
140 Sisco, Colby                 Chelsea              x27:41.89
141 Mooney, Lee                  Shelby County         27:46.99   54
142 Sulser, Tanner               Chelsea              x28:09.94
143 Portante, Tony               Oak Mountain HS      x28:21.16
144 O’Malley, Michael            Indian Springs       x30:15.52
145 Omalley, Jack                Indian Springs       x30:16.21
146 Bruce, Stone                 Chelsea              x30:23.04
147 Gordon, Will                 Thompson             x31:35.17
148 Balazs, Quinn                Indian Springs       x31:49.94
Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
Results – Men
1 Oak Mountain HS              27    2    4    6    7    8   15   18
Total Time:  1:29:58.97
Average:    17:59.80
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Shelby County XC Championships 2011 – 10/11/2011
Heardmont Park
….Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
2 Thompson                     65    1    9   13   20   22   26   32
Total Time:  1:33:04.31
Average:    18:36.87
3 Pelham                       82    5   11   14   25   27   28   37
Total Time:  1:35:27.16
Average:    19:05.44
4 Westminster School at Oak    85    3   16   19   23   24   35   39
Total Time:  1:35:16.73
Average:    19:03.35
5 Briarwood Christian Schoo   102   10   12   21   29   30   38   40
Total Time:  1:37:08.71
Average:    19:25.75
6 Chelsea                     151   17   31   33   34   36   41   44
Total Time:  1:41:00.25
Average:    20:12.05
7 Indian Springs              232   42   43   47   49   51   52   53
Total Time:  1:57:04.92
Average:    23:24.99
8 Shelby County               243   45   46   48   50   54
Total Time:  2:04:21.16
Average:    24:52.24


Xpress Timing – Contractor License Hy-Tek’s MEET MANAGER  7:42 PM  10/11/2011  Page 1
Shelby County XC Championships 2011 – 10/11/2011
Heardmont Park
Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity
Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results – Women
1 Head, Jacqueline             Shelby County         19:51.62
2 Davidson, Haley              Oak Mountain HS       20:21.84    1
3 Puckett, Anna                Thompson              20:59.18    2
4 Thielman, Becky              Briarwood Ch          21:12.96    3
5 Landa, Erin                  Pelham                21:49.09    4
6 Ingram, Allie                Oak Mountain HS       21:55.39    5
7 Kulp, Erika                  Thompson              21:56.08    6
8 Howard, Amanda               Oak Mountain HS       21:57.69    7
9 Porter, Maggie               Pelham                22:00.60    8
10 Reynolds, Morgan             Westminster           22:03.69
11 Saenz, Victoria              Indian Springs        22:09.96    9
12 Tam, Christina               Oak Mountain HS       22:31.61   10
13 Brock, Lydia                 Oak Mountain HS       22:46.61   11
14 Dean, Susan                  Oak Mountain HS      x22:48.53   12
15 Beckett, Emily               Oak Mountain HS      x22:49.87   13
16 Lackey, Lesya                Pelham                23:00.87   14
17 Brock, Katelyn               Oak Mountain HS      x23:05.61
18 Epperson, Ashley             Oak Mountain HS      x23:08.83
19 Goff, Ali                    Oak Mountain HS      x23:23.53
20 Laymon, Alexis               Oak Mountain HS      x23:24.45
21 Graber, Michaela             Thompson              23:31.27   15
22 Comensky, Heather            Oak Mountain HS      x23:31.61
23 Coley, Katlyn                Chelsea               23:46.92   16
24 Jacobs, Libi                 Oak Mountain HS      x24:05.91
25 Talbert, Emily               Thompson              24:07.84   17
26 Maisonville, Katy            Oak Mountain HS      x24:15.20
27 Jorgensen, Sydney            Oak Mountain HS      x24:17.28
28 Graber, Gabrielle            Thompson              24:22.88   18
29 Hayes, Kristen               Pelham                24:36.17   19
30 Sanders, Emily               Briarwood Ch          24:36.82   20
31 Smith, Brookelynn            Shelby County         24:41.07
32 Mitchell, Sara               Oak Mountain HS      x24:51.59
33 Robinette, Erin              Oak Mountain HS      x24:53.21
34 Stallings, Mary              Briarwood Ch          25:03.21   21
35 Selles, Chloe                Oak Mountain HS      x25:15.40
36 Knecht, Kelsey               Chelsea               25:20.86   22
37 McPhaul, Menley              Oak Mountain HS      x25:24.21
38 Crainich, Samantha           Thompson             x25:34.85   23
39 Byrd, Gabrielle              Pelham                25:40.44   24
40 Kelly, Alicia                Oak Mountain HS      x25:40.61
41 Smith, Ann-kathryn           Chelsea               25:44.08   25
42 Jorgensen, Teagan            Oak Mountain HS      x25:49.37
43 Whitehurst, Danielle         Chelsea               25:55.09   26
44 vonHoffman, Candace          Indian Springs        25:56.15   27
45 Lott, Savannah               Oak Mountain HS      x25:58.18
46 Crowe, Sarahbeth             Oak Mountain HS      x25:58.66
47 Grace, Dasha                 Chelsea               26:21.97   28
48 Smith, Olivia                Thompson             x26:29.37   29
49 Morgan, Ashley               Chelsea              x26:32.04   30
50 Vaughn, Olivia               Thompson             x26:38.30
51 Schaffers, Jacquie           Briarwood Ch          26:43.84   31
52 Wickersham, Charlotte        Briarwood Ch          27:01.02   32
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Shelby County XC Championships 2011 – 10/11/2011
Heardmont Park
….Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity
53 Barfoot, Savannah            Thompson             x27:12.30
54 McLain, Macee                Oak Mountain HS      x27:12.45
55 Musachia, Ashley             Briarwood Ch         x27:37.04   33
56 Deloach, Cameron             Thompson             x27:41.44
57 Miller, Elizabeth            Indian Springs        27:48.23   34
58 Hayes, Madeline              Oak Mountain HS      x27:48.98
59 Delagarza, Cailtlyn          Thompson             x27:53.81
60 Ramey, Emma                  Indian Springs        27:55.15   35
61 Roddy, Nicole                Chelsea              x27:59.21   36
62 Bowen, Bella                 Oak Mountain HS      x28:07.67
63 Williams, Emily              Indian Springs        28:31.16   37
64 Morgan, Margie               Thompson             x28:44.16
65 Smith, Lizzy                 Oak Mountain HS      x28:44.29
66 George, Sasha                Chelsea              x28:57.99
67 Vincent, Caroline            Thompson             x29:19.68
68 Grier, Arlena                Vincent               29:31.56
69 Amoroso, Sarah               Oak Mountain HS      x29:39.03
70 Cressman, Sarah              Briarwood Ch         x29:44.87   38
71 Naugher, Hannah              Chelsea              x30:06.65
72 Mealins, Ashley              Chelsea              x30:15.14
73 Hamilton, Leanna             Thompson             x30:18.86
74 Mintz, Shayla                Vincent               30:22.74
75 Clark, Katie                 Chelsea              x30:50.96
76 Bussey, Haley                Chelsea              x31:27.23
77 Akins, Marianne              Briarwood Ch         x31:39.92
78 Russell, Stephanie           Oak Mountain HS      x31:44.54
79 Baxley, Evie                 Indian Springs       x32:45.58   39
Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
Results – Women
1 Oak Mountain HS              34    1    5    7   10   11   12   13
Total Time:  1:49:33.14
Average:    21:54.63
2 Thompson                     58    2    6   15   17   18   23   29
Total Time:  1:54:57.25
Average:    22:59.45
3 Pelham                       69    4    8   14   19   24
Total Time:  1:57:07.17
Average:    23:25.44
4 Briarwood Christian Schoo   107    3   20   21   31   32   33   38
Total Time:  2:04:37.85
Average:    24:55.57
5 Chelsea                     117   16   22   25   26   28   30   36
Total Time:  2:07:08.92
Average:    25:25.79
Xpress Timing – Contractor License Hy-Tek’s MEET MANAGER  7:42 PM  10/11/2011  Page 3
Shelby County XC Championships 2011 – 10/11/2011
Heardmont Park
….Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity
6 Indian Springs              142    9   27   34   35   37   39
Total Time:  2:12:20.65
Average:    26:28.13