Helena Magazine

Council President Lobell welcomes the new season

Published 9:41 am Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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The summer months are behind us, but what a summer it has been! Helena residents were able to enjoy numerous activities and events throughout the city, all summer long.

Several of these events included the Old Town Live concerts performed at the Helena Amphitheatre.  This year’s line up was fantastic!  It included Lauren Alaina, Allman Betts Band, Rollin’ n the Hay, Drivin’ N Crying and Telluride, just to name a few.  And one of the best parts was entry to these great events was absolutely FREE!

One more event is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 21. I encourage you to come see The Bavarian Express and The Vegabonds as Old Town Live closes out the year with these two fantastic performances. A huge thank you to the dozens and dozens of volunteers and the event sponsors, including the presenting sponsor, Central State Bank, that make these events possible.

The Helena Market Days returned to the Amphitheater this year and provided Helena residents with the opportunity to purchase fresh produce and homemade goods, every Saturday, June-August.  There is nothing like a fresh tomato sandwich on white bread to make your day!

Two of the groups in our city that are especially near and dear to my heart are the Senior citizens and the Helena youth.  Activities for the senior citizens are growing and many more opportunities will become available with the completion of the Senior Citizens Center located in the new Helena City Hall.  A large portion of the first floor in the new building is designated for a Senior Citizens Center and will include a large multipurpose room, bathrooms and a kitchen.

The Helena Teen Council welcomed the new members for the 2024-25 school year at a reception held in their honor the last week of August.  The teen council is looking forward to another great year of service to the community.

If you are not familiar with the Helena Teen Council it is an elite group of Helena teens, grades 10-12, that volunteer and help at many city functions and events.  They attend all city council meetings, make an annual trip to Montgomery to meet with our state representatives and leaders, and are always looking for ways they can make a difference in our community.  One popular event started by the teens several years ago is the Seniors and Teens Dinner.  Helena Senior citizens are the guests of a catered dinner and night of games, hosted completely by the Helena Teen Council.

The Helena City Council meetings are open to the public and I encourage all citizens to attend.  The meetings are the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 6 p.m. in the council chambers in the Helena Municipal Building.