Being their Bluebird BEST: OMES prepares for a new school year

Published 12:49 pm Thursday, August 15, 2024

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By RACHEL RAIFORD | Staff Writer 

NORTH SHELBY – With the start of a new school year, students at Oak Mountain Elementary School are expected to do their “bluebird best” each day. While the bluebird is their mascot, the Bluebird BEST program is a focus at the school. 

They have 10 character traits they focus on throughout the year, but this year they are shifting their focus to four primary expectation as a part of their Bluebird BEST program. 

The acronym BEST stands for: be kind, encourage others, show respect and take responsibility. 

“Those are not just expectations for children, those are great expectations for everyone,” Principal Jan Curtis said. “We feel like that’s providing our students a really great start to learn, to work together and to be friends and to have a successful year of learning.” 

Curtis expressed the importance of the program and how often they stress to the students at OMES that one person can make a significant difference in the world if they’re trying their best. 

In addition to the Bluebird BEST program, they have OMES Reads. Throughout the school year, each student and staff member read a book together. This will be the second year the school will be participating in the campaign. 

“We are looking forward to another campaign this year,” Curtis said. “We’re already planning for students to have the opportunity to create presentations for their families. We’re excited for the families to see all of the wonderful learning taking place here.” 

When speaking of goals for the year, Curtis pointed out that the staff will be working closely with students who are learning English this year. 

“We’re talking about strategies for making that content accessible,” Curtis said. “That’s great for our students who are learning English, but it’s really great for all of our students.” 

The staff will also be focused on high quality math instruction and taking advantage of classroom tools to aid in that area. 

Finally, the Bluebird BEST mantra is a point Curtis wishes to instill in each student and staff member throughout the year. 

“Having a positive culture, making sure that what is happening in this building is happy and enjoyable and that we’re having our Bluebird BEST days together,” Curtis said. 

As students prepare for the school day each morning, they hear Curtis’ voice ringing through the halls saying, “You are safe and loved in our nest. Now go and do your bluebird best.”