CPES welcomes students back to school

Published 11:24 am Friday, August 9, 2024

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By LEAH INGRAM EAGLE | Special to the Reporter

CHELSEA – The Chelsea Park Elementary campus was bustling on the first day of the 2024-25 school year.

Students had opportunities on Aug. 6 and 7 to meet their teachers and find their way around the school prior to the first day. Parents were allowed to walk their child to class the first two days of school, but starting Monday, students will make the journey on their own. However, staff and PTO members will be available to assist them if needed.

Principal Mary Anderson is in her second venture at CPES—her first was from 2014-2020 as assistant principal—and after being principal at Helena Elementary for one year, she is back for her fourth year at CPES.

Anderson said she is always excited to begin a new school year and loves seeing the excitement on the kids’ and teachers’ faces and seeing everyone come back refreshed and ready.

There are 880 students enrolled at CPES this year and 17 new employees.

“It’s always exciting to see (the teachers) back on campus and the same goes with the children,” Anderson said. “It’s a good feeling as principal when you know parents, kids and faculty are happy here and I’m looking forward to another great year with faculty staff, students and parents. My hope is we provide the very best experience and education for our children in Chelsea.”

Also new at CPES this year is an eight classroom addition, which houses the third grade and a new gymnasium that will be ready soon. These additions, which are the first since the school was built in 2006, are a welcome sight, Anderson said.