Chelsea’s band preps for new year, new show

Published 3:45 pm Tuesday, July 30, 2024

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By LEAH INGRAM EAGLE | Special to the Reporter

CHELSEA ­– The Chelsea High School marching band has spent the last few weeks in the heat of summer at band camp, learning their routine and music for this season’s halftime show.

For four hours a day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and six hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 155 band members have been hard at work on their upcoming halftime show.

Band camp began for leadership and percussion students on July 11, followed by a rookie camp day on July 12. The rest of the members reported for music and choreography camps the week of July 15 before everyone met on the practice field to start learning drill placements the week of July 22.

Once school starts on Thursday, Aug. 8, the band will have about eight practices before the first game on Friday, Aug. 23.

The band is under the direction of Perry Lawley, who is beginning his 21st year as a band director and has been at Chelsea High since 2016. Trace Johnson will begin his third year at Chelsea High School as the assistant band director.

Lawley said that his favorite thing about being a band director is working with the students and helping them succeed.

“We enter this profession with a desire to help students and the most gratifying part of our job is working directly with students,” Lawley said.

This year’s head drum major is Naomi Cost and assistant drum majors are Lilly Palmer and Cassidy Short. They will be directing the band during their upcoming halftime show themed, “Heavy is the Crown.” It will feature songs including “Everybody Wants to Rule the World,” “Edge of Glory,” “Vienna,” and “Viva La Vida.”

During competitions last marching season, Chelsea High School earned all superior ratings at two marching contests, as well as earning Best in Class awards for drum major, dance line, majorette, and percussion.

This season, the band will perform as part of the Shelby County Showcase of Bands on Tuesday, Sept. 10, followed by two competitions on Sept. 28 at the Pride of the Valley Marching Festival at Pinson Valley High School and Oct. 19 at the Pell City Marching Festival at Pell City High School.

Last season, the band donned new uniforms that were made possible through a grant from the city of Chelsea and funds raised by the band. Lawley said the uniforms are lighter weight and have a more breathable material. The uniforms can be changed by attaching other parts to create different looks.

“We have our traditional look that we call the Friday Night uniform, then we can add some pieces to create a contest look, and then finally we have a look titled the Spirit Uniform,” he said.

Lawley said they are thankful for the support of the city of Chelsea’s support of the band program.

“Not only the uniform purchase from last year, but they continue to help us,” he said. “Most recently, we were awarded an extracurricular grant to help outfit the new concession stand that is part of stadium renovations. They have also helped us in the past to buy new instruments and equipment. We appreciate the support of the community and look forward to performing for everyone in our new stadium.”