Helena Magazine

City Hall Faces: Firefighter Griffin Guy inspires the next generation

Published 10:27 am Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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As a child, Helena firefighter Griffin Guy idolized firefighters.

“When I was a kid, it was really, really fun to me when I got to go to the fire department,” Guy said. “It (gave me) someone to look up to and set me on my path of what I want to do.”

Now that he is an adult, Guy works for the Helena Fire Department and has the opportunity to inspire the next generation.

On Wednesday, July 5, Guy joined his fellow members of HFD, Fire Marshal Keith Martin and FireMedic Ed Lindsey, for a special visit to AIM Academy preschool.

“Some of these kids, when they grow up, might want to be a fireman,” Guy said. “I think it’s really important to come out here and allow them access to this stuff and kind of show them a glimpse into a future in the fire service.”

Beyond enjoying a special day under the summer sun, the HFD’s visit to the preschool served a greater purpose. Young children in emergency situations can react fearfully when they see a firefighter.

Guy recounted that when he donned his full gear, a few children initially shied away from him, but relaxed as the morning went on.

“At first, when you get in there, they’re a little bit scared,” Guy said. “But after you show them and you take off the mask, they realize that we’re just people like them.”

Events such as the HFD’s visit to AIM Academy will hopefully help children recognize that firefighters are there to help.

“I think the important thing today is familiarizing them with our equipment,” Guy said. “If there is a fire, they’ll know what to look for and that we are friends and not there to hurt them.”