FUMC of Alabaster entertains kids with Camp Firelight VBS

Published 2:42 pm Friday, June 21, 2024

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By NOAH WORTHAM | Managing Editor

ALABASTER – Alabaster children had the chance to participate in a summer camp adventure during the First United Methodist Church of Alabaster’s Vacation Bible School series.

FUMC of Alabaster held this year’s installment of VBS June 3-7 from 9 a.m. to noon with the theme for this year entitled, “Camp Firelight.”

“It’s a summer camp adventure with God and our focus scripture is, ‘Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you’ Psalm 56: 3,” said Rachael Myers, children’s director for FUMC of Alabaster.

During VBS, the church held an opening and closing ceremony where the children came in and danced, sang and saw a skit that was performed by a camp counselor and a lightning bug character. After the opening ceremony, children were treated to rotations of crafts, Bible story, snacks, games and a science lesson that all connected to the theme and story of the day.

“We get to sing songs and do crafts and just learn everything with Bible stories to make it fun,” Myers said. “We just have a lot of fun.”

Each day during VBS had a different theme and lesson with day one focusing on “God goes with Jacob” in the book of Genesis. Day two focused on the theme “Ruth chooses to go” from the book of Ruth with day three centered on the theme of “Young Jesus shares his wisdom” from Luke. Day four taught “Jesus calms the storm” from Mark and the final day was “Good news sparks joy” from the book of Acts.

“I just love getting to see the church filled with kids in here,” Myers said. “And just the community—having them come in and we get to have fun all week.”