North Shelby Baptist Church treats kids to fun activities at VBS

Published 10:33 am Thursday, June 20, 2024

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By RACHEL RAIFORD | Staff Writer

NORTH SHELBY North Shelby Baptist Church learned to trust in God as their rock during the church’s 100th Vacation Bible School which had the theme Breaker Rock Beach.

“And so it’s just a really cool opportunity to have fun, play games and do all these exciting things,” Nelson said. “And the kids are constantly hearing about God and hearing His word and they’re able to listen to His voice.” 

The motto for this year’s VBS was,“God’s truth never changes” and Nelson said that Romans 12:2 was the theme verse for the entire week. 

“It’s helping kids understand the world today,” Nelson said.

Nelson said they’re teaching the children how to use God’s word to honor him and Romans 12:2 involves those ideas. 

Children get to play games, make crafts and hear bible stories each day. North Shelby is taking a hands-on approach to teaching the theme’s curriculum. 

To kick off each day, the children and church volunteers got together in the sanctuary for a worship rally where they sang scripture-inspired songs throughout the week.

Following each worship rally, students fell into their groups to get into the day’s rotation between activity stations. 

Each activity correlated with the same scripture that day. When the groups came back together in the end they discussed what they learned as a group. 

Nelson said that VBS is one of the most important events for the church. Not only does it attract new members and families, but it allows new experiences for attendees. 

“Some of these kids don’t even go to our church,” Nelson said. “Now they’ll have these core foundation memories to build on as they get older. It’s a lot of fun to be with the kids in the community that we don’t see on a regular basis.”