FBC Alabaster treats kids to fun activities at VBS

Published 5:12 pm Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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By NOAH WORTHAM | Managing Editor

ALABASTER – Energy levels were high with plenty of smiling faces as children enjoyed activities during the First Baptist Church of Alabaster’s annual Vacation Bible School.

FBC Alabaster held its annual VBS series this year June 3-7 with programs centered around Breaker Rock Beach with a variety of activities for children in attendance to take part in. The VBS series was open to children in K4 through sixth grade.

According to Amber Bennefield, minister to pre-school and children at FBC Alabaster, the church had a great week of VBS with close to 300 kids in attendance and more than 150 volunteers.

“Our favorite part was the 30 children who made decisions to follow Jesus at VBS,” Bennefield said.

This year’s VBS was themed around Breaker Rock Beach where children learned to focus on “God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sand.”

“Our kids are growing up in a world where feelings and cultural shifts define what is true,” Bennefield said. “At VBS, we focused on God’s truth that never changes. We learned to begin thinking biblically in order to spot counterfeit truths.”

During the VBS series, students participated in Bible study classes, recreation, crafts, music and missions classes. Each day featured an opening worship rally where kids sang together. Additionally, children in attendance worked on scripture memorization and enjoyed the Bible story of the day.

“VBS is such a big week in the life of our church,” Bennefield said. “At VBS, our entire church comes together to share the good news of Jesus with our community. For three hours a day, five days in a row, we get to show these children the love of Jesus and study God’s Word together.”

Bennefield said that VBS is a great springboard for people to get involved at FBC Alabaster and shared that the church will hold a Summer Blast program this summer each Wednesday night in addition to its regular services on Sunday.

“Summer Blast is a great place to meet our church family and see how you might plug-in at FBCA,” Bennefield said.