Finding joy in the simple things (community column)

Published 11:14 am Friday, November 30, 2018

By Kathy Copeland / Community Columnist

As the month that we traditionally honor our veterans and feast on Thanksgiving meals with family and friends comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on moments that brought smiles to my face and warmth to my heart.

Harpersville Day was a great event. It was crisp beautiful day with music, food and craft vendors. It was a day to honor our local veterans. It was a display of decorated hay bales!

Yes, that is what captured my heart. Thanks to Jack Kidd at the Shelby County Extension, who donated the bales of hay, contestants put their creative juices to work and…wow! They were amazing.

Congratulations to the winners: first place went to Vincent Elementary School for a drum set theme (led by Abby Weaver), second place went to Liberty Christian Church (led by Angie Spates with the theme, “Jesus is the Light of the World”),  The Dog House Food Truck took third place and was decorated by Angela Tait, Cub Scout Pack 588 led by Jennifer Shackelford took fourth place with roasting marshmallows as their theme, and the Coosa Valley Academy led by Michaux Downing took fifth place with the Motown record playing “Pam & The Rebelettes.”

Family was here during the week of Thanksgiving and I got to share the photos from this day. I gave my sister a necklace I purchased at the event, and I must say the homemade pork rinds purchased at Harpersville Day were a big hit too!

Friday after Thanksgiving we went out to Old Baker Farm and road the train, petted the goats and other animals and had fun walking through the corn maze. It was so much fun we went back the next day and visited the barn again, took pictures with our faces stuck through painted plywood depicting farm animals and then cut down a small tree representing my grand-nephew’s first Christmas tree. He will be 1 year next month.

We live in such a charming part of the world.  My nieces and nephew and my sister who were here from South Florida could not get enough of the farm animals, the beautiful color of the trees and the warmth of the people they interacted with everywhere we went.

They enjoyed taking pictures of each other with pumpkins and fallen leaves on the ground. It was truly a beautiful week with so many amazing photos.

At one point while riding down U.S. 280, my sister said, “Look at all the leaves falling to the ground. It’s so cool!” Ahh, the simple pleasures of life!

As we all move into the Christmas holiday, let us focus on the meaning of the month ahead. It is so tempting to get caught up in the busyness of the holiday. Take some time to really enjoy your surroundings. Be grateful for this area you call home.

It is an area that is full of Southern charm and inspires gratitude for family and community. Find ways to express your gratefulness!