Indian Springs student records perfect ACT score

Published 9:05 am Thursday, October 4, 2018


INDIAN SPRINGS VILLAGE – Recently named a 2019 National Merit Semifinalist, Springs senior Kendall Owens now has another accomplishment to celebrate—scoring a perfect 36 on the ACT.


Owens was between classes recently when her friends encouraged her to check online for her Sept. 8 ACT results.

When she found she had scored a perfect 36, she couldn’t hide her excitement.

“I was so happy, and I texted my parents right then to tell them,” she said.

Her score, achieved by less than 1 percent of all students who take the ACT, came as no surprise to those who know Kendall—a dedicated student, passionate about her studies.

At Springs and on a national scale, she shines as a scholar of French and Latin linguistics.

She earned a silver medal (10th place in the nation) for her performance on the 2016 Level II National French Exam, a gold medal (seventh place in the nation) for the 2017 Level III Exam, and a second gold medal (summa cum laude) for the 2018 National Latin I Exam.

She also enjoyed the opportunity to participate in an SPI Language Immersion program in France in 2017.

Owens plans to study psychology in college.

“I love learning how brains work, and how people interact socially,” she said.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Owens serves as a Student Ambassador, assisting the Admission Office with tours and events, and as a Peer Mentor, assisting new students in their first year at Springs.

She is also a member of the school’s Mock Trial and Bowling teams.

“I just really love school,” she said. “It’s definitely the highlight of my life. I realize how lucky I am to be at Springs and how bittersweet it will be to graduate this year. But I’m excited to see what’s next, to try new things, and definitely to go back and study abroad again in France!”