IES continues dancing tradition

Published 10:40 am Friday, January 22, 2016

Third graders get ready to perform a square dance for their parents during Western Day at IES on Jan. 20. (For the Reporter / Dawn Harrison)

Third graders get ready to perform a square dance for their parents during Western Day at IES on Jan. 20. (For the Reporter / Dawn Harrison)

By MOLLY DAVIDSON / Staff Writer

NORTH SHELBY—Although not your typical P.E. activity, square dancing is an important part of the Inverness Elementary School experience. For more than 20 years, IES students have learned to square dance in P.E. class.

“It’s a good little tradition,” IES physical education teacher Caroline Rose said, noting she’s taught square dancing at the school for 23 years.

Every year, students spend between two and three weeks learning to square dance. They practice and perfect dances and moves such as the do-si-do, allemande and promenade.

Jenna Peña congratulates her son, Cesar, after his performance on Jan. 20. (For the Reporter / Dawn Harrison)

Jenna Peña congratulates her son, Cesar, after his performance on Jan. 20. (For the Reporter / Dawn Harrison)

The unit isn’t just a fun and different activity for the students, it’s also educational. It strengthens listening and performing skills, teamwork and cooperation, Rose explained. And although students aren’t always excited at first, she said they eventually learn to enjoy the activity.

“It really promotes…life skills,” Rose said of the P.E. tradition. “They moan and groan at first… (but in the end) they enjoy it.”

On Jan. 20, students got the chance to show off their skills for their parents at Western Day. Rose said students are often nervous to perform in front of a crowd, but enjoy showing their parents what they have learned.

Jenna Peña watched her third grade son, Cesar, perform for the second year in a row. She said she enjoyed watching the children have fun and dance together.

Cesar and his fellow third graders, all clad in western garb, performed seven different dances for their parents, swinging their partners and do-si-doing across the gym.

Cesar said he also liked learning to square dance, although he said he wasn’t “sure yet” what his favorite part of square dancing is.

“I may like all the parts!” Cesar said.