American Legion Post 555 commemorates 50th Vietnam Anniversary
Published 2:33 pm Monday, October 12, 2015
By JESSA PEASE / Staff Writer
PELHAM— To thank Vietnam veterans and commemorate the 50th anniversary of the war, the American Legion Matthew Blount Post 555 is hosting a memorial ride and day of thanks Nov. 7.
The event, held in conjunction with the Exchange Club of Shelby County and the Alabama National Cemetery, will begin with a flag assembly at 10 a.m. at the National Cemetery.
“We just want to thank the veterans for their service and welcome them home,” said Tom McDaniel, public relations officer with Post 555. “This is an opportunity to thank the veterans who came home, thanks the families of those who didn’t come home and the families of those who did come home.”
McDaniel said that when veterans of Vietnam came home, they were treated poorly and didn’t receive thanks from anyone. Post 555 sees this event as a way to properly welcome those soldiers home and thank them for their service.
After a wreath laying ceremony, a musical tribute and a guest presentation, motorcyclists will depart from the cemetery at 10:45 a.m. and head to the Heart of Dixie Harley-Davidson in Pelham.
Opening ceremonies will begin at noon at the Harley-Davidson Center with a presentation of colors, the national anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a formal recognition of the Vietnam veterans.
“This is just some thing we felt we needed to do,” McDaniel said. “We want a big response to this because we think this is something we that really should be done.”
Previous to the event, the American Legion, Matthew Blount Post 555 is also asking local schools and afterschool programs to join them in welcoming veterans home by creating a thank you message.
Art students are encouraged to create paintings, drawings, photos and graphic design projects to be presented at Harley-Davidson after the veterans are recognized.
Artwork must be completed no later than Nov. 4, and each school is invited to participate by contributing 10-40 patriotic drawings.
The David Lindsay Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will also present pins and certificates.
If your school, aftercare program, scout troop or church children’s ministry would like to participate, email Kenneth Paschal, 1st Vice Commander at