Calera Council minutes for the week of Oct. 24
Published 2:00 pm Monday, October 22, 2012
The Mayor and Council of the City of Calera met on Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. at Calera City
Hall with the following present:
Mayor Jon G. Graham and Council members Ernest Montgomery, Mike Roberson, David Bradshaw, Chris Bunn, Ed Gentry and Bobby Joe Phillips.
Council Member Bunn made a motion to approve and dispense with the reading of the regular meeting and work session minutes from Sept. 17.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Mike Wood, building official, requested a public hearing date be set for the Clubhouse at Shiloh Creek, 118 Brookside Way, Parcel ID 35 1 11 0 005 017.000, Nuisance Case No. 2012-002.
Council Member Bunn made a motion to set Nov. 19, 2012 as the Public Hearing date for
Nuisance Case No. 2012-002. Council Member Bradshaw seconded said motion which was carried unanimously.
Matt Worthen, IT manager, reported that DSL is not available at this time for the senior
building. The City has been placed on a waiting list to receive the next slot open.
Roy Hadaway, finance director, presented two proposals for the financing of police cars for consideration.
Ford Motor Credit 5.75% Interest Rate 3 Years Fixed $284,984.28; Interest Amount 15,214.74
Central State Bank 2% amortized over 36 months $276,266.16; Interest Amount 8,341.16
Ford Motor Credit is a lease/purchase agreement and the City would receive full ownership at the end of the lease. The City would have three annual payments at approximately $95,000 per payment.
Payments would be monthly at approximately $7,674.08 for three years which gives a level outflow of cash.
The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Hadaway reported that the City received its first credit rating on its General Obligation Warrants. Standard & Poor’s has rated the City “AA-“with a stable outlook.
David Jones, public works director, reported a verbal agreement has been met with Wiregrass concerning the gas contract. The contract and easement has been sent to Bill to finalize.
Sean Lemley, police chief, gave an updated on the Railroad Crossings at Highway 25 and
Highway 22. Both crossings have been placed on the repair list. The Highway 22 crossing will be repaired first then the Highway 25 crossing.
Mayor Graham reminded everyone to support the Calera Goes Pink 2 Campaign during the month of October. The local business owners will be selling pink ribbons; pink wrist bands and the month will end with the golf tournament.
Mayor Graham reported that the bid was let on the I-65 Exit 228 Bridge last Friday, Sept. 28. Alabama Bridge Builders was awarded the contract; construction should begin in 45 days and will last up to 12 months.
Mayor Graham introduced a resolution to inventory Calera Police Vehicles allocated to serve the City of Calera. The City has found the following vehicles for the City of Calera no longer needed for public municipal purposes.
All vehicles surplus to be traded in to Stivers Ford to go toward the purchase of 11 new vehicles. Total trade-in value of the surplus vehicles is $29,400.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Graham introduced a resolution to adopt the following sewer rate schedule for residential, commercial and industrial sewer usage: $16 base charge, plus $4.90 per 1,000 gallons of water usage, as per meter reading for water utility account.
Montgomery, Roberson, Bradshaw, Graham, Bunn and Phillips voted for the resolution, while Gentry voted against.
Mayor Graham introduced a resolution to approve plans from the Alabama Department of Transportation to plan, resurface, and stripe U.S. 31 from the I-65 bridge in Calera to I-65 in Alabaster.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Graham introduced a resolution to an amended job description for the Calera parks and recreation director position.
Montgomery, Roberson, Bradshaw, Graham, Bunn and Phillips voted for the resolution, while Gentry voted against.
The resolution will be placed on the next agenda.
M.M. Venture Inc. applied for alcohol license at Pit Stop, 4520 U.S. 31.
Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.