Chewing gum Christians have staying power

Published 11:33 am Monday, September 24, 2012

By DARRYL WOOD / Guest columnist

When directed to stand during a worship service, I placed my hands on the seat and pushed up. My fingertips felt something odd underneath the pew. Chewing gum!

This discovery set my fingers to wandering. All along the underside of the pew wads of petrified gum clung tightly. It felt as hard as the wood of the pew. Lest you think ill of me for being so distracted, my mind went to a spiritual place.

I wondered. How old was that gum? Had it been put there years before by another generation of chewers? What brand was it? Could anything short of dynamite remove it?

That gum displayed sticking power. The Apostle Paul counseled sticking power for the Christians of Rome. “God will give to each person according to what he has done. To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.” (Romans 2:6-7)

Someone said, “The Christian life is not a destination but a journey.” When you become a believer you begin the journey of Christ-like living. He went about doing good. The quality of your living demonstrates the maturity of your walk with God.

The result of the persistent Christian life is the reward of eternal life. This takes sticking power. Chewing gum Christians stay focused on God’s way. They never let go. Of course, the Lord makes that possible because He first gets a grip on you.

I’m amazed by the elderly man who can no longer see to drive. He’s already arranged for a relative to pick him up to attend church events. I’m inspired by the widow who has outlived two fine husbands but still serves God joyfully. I ache with the 45-year-old whose body is devastated by chemotherapy but still praises God for His faithfulness.

By the way, my mother never allowed me to chew gum in church. Now I know why.


Dr. Darryl Wood is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Vincent. You can reach him at