CityFest extends vendor sign-up deadline

Published 5:03 pm Friday, March 16, 2012

By NEAL WAGNER / City Editor

Members of the Alabaster Arts Council are encouraging vendors to sign up for spots at the upcoming Alabaster CityFest, and recently extended the deadline to do so.

CityFest, which will mark its 10th anniversary in Alabaster’s Municipal Park this year, is Shelby County’s largest entertainment event, and regularly draws tens of thousands of visitors each year.

This year’s event will be held on Saturday, June 2.

Arts Council President Adam Moseley said the council originally set April 1 as the deadline for vendors to register without incurring late fees. However, the Arts Council has extended the deadline until May 1 to allow more vendors to sign up.

“We’ve already gotten a pretty good number of vendors signed up, but we wanted to extend the deadline to give more folks a chance to sign up,” Moseley said.

To sign on as a vendor, or to learn more about the event, visit