First grade letters to Santa
Published 9:50 am Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Elvin Hill Elementary, Ms. Caldwell
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is mackupe for Christmas. I am going to live you some milke an cookies. So how is the reindeer doing? How is rudolph? Is he doing ok Santa? Love, Riley
Dear Santa, I hup yru rebes are filing gud. I hup you are fileng good. I luve desluen I luve rlof. I liv you sum gas uv mikle n cookis. Love, Austin White
Dear Santa, I hope yr reindeer are ok Santa I whant for Christmas is a Dinosaur that opis and clos it’s maf and I whant a hose that has a rmot and out it can run with me hod. Love, Natalie
Dear Santa, I hope you have a meery christmas. I hope the reindeer a red o in gGood. I wud llick a pet rudolPh. I hope you llick my cookies and milck. Love, Brayden
Dear Santa, Dear Santa and mis claus. haw is the reindeer I hop you have a good mraey christmas and i will give you Cookis wtih milk and win are comeg Love, Kentreille
Dear Santa, I want a bick and a pupi how is rudolph I hope you like my cookies how are you Love, Reagan
Dear Santa, I have ben good thes yiur. I hope you love my cookies and milk. I hope Rudolph the red nose reindeer is fine. I ples wont a jungule aevnchr set and a dino mine set and a big farm set. Love, Danna
Dear Santa, I have bin good. I want for christmas is mackupe and I want a deit bick I want a toy dog Love, Katelynn Storey
Dear Santa, I hope presr is dowing good. I hop desr is dowing good. I wot a toy it dusit matr wut it is. Love, Jessie
Dear Santa, how are your reindeer? How is Rudolph? My elf is funny. Mary Christmas I want go go my walking pup. Love, Abby
Dear Santa, I hope that no wun is on the notye list. I want a litll theng. I hope tht Dashr and Rudolph is good. I hope you like my cookies. I love you. Love, Emma
Dear Santa, I Hop that Reindeer are dooEng good. can you Bring ME a Big Toy Trouk and$1,000,000! is Rudolph ril? Yes No. Love, Sean
Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Can you tack a pitr of all the reindeer? Can you tack a pitr of deer 60. and baby deer? Can you mack all my presits blue and green? Love, Emmalee
Dear Santa, Love Chase Roberson I hop Rudolphs Nose did not go out. win was you born? I want a sPy Net Vidio watch and a Motere sickle and a toy rifl and a toy bZoocka. Love, Chase
Dear Santa, Santa I hop you Had a grate daye. Santa i hop Rudolph is Having a grate daye to. santa i wish four chrs 500 rifoowse and i drtbk Love, Corey
Dear Santa, How is rudolph. Is the reindeer boing. I’v ben verey good. Kin you ples bring sum Legow Alentis and pawrmnd Clif shod is boing good And imagnayne evnr.
Elvin Hill Elementary, Ms. Coe
Dear Santa,I want a moxi girl cupcake maker ice crem maker crezy art Love, Fernanda
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want Just Dance 2, puppy school Barbie, and Aqua Sand. My brothers, Joe Joe, has been good most of the time. Love, Alex Cuellar
Dear Santa, I have been Good. I want Some more zoo Zoo and Fin Fin littlest pet Shop. I will give cookies for you. Love, Paisley
Dear Santa, I want a gitar and top and xBox game of avatar brother for christmas I be a good Boy I Love you Santa Love, Omar Martinez
Dear Santa, I want a Laptop, baby-Alive, Easy Bake Oven, Will, DS games, flat screen T.V., barbie dolls, shoes, clothes, head bands, play cell phone, vtech MobiGo (purple & pink), doll house, Magic Fabric, barbie puppy swim school with pool. Love, Deandria Jones
Dear Santa, I want a Red WII guitar cd’s DS Games, WII Games, and Pillow Pets. I love you Santa. Thank you Santa for Bringing gift and Love to the world. Love, Hannah Driver
Dear Santa, My name is chandler I want a dirt bike and games and tv for my room and nintendo games, toy robot!!!! I LOVE YOU SANTA Love, Chandler Mitchell
Elvin Hill Elementary, Ms. Fant
Dear Santa, Santa you did a lat for the kids and have a bruck and make shore you find Rudolph. Love, Michael
Dear Santa, I want a Xbox 360. And a ROBot and a AiR hog. a TRANStsformer. a Mario game. a i Pod. Love, Hayden
Dear Santa, Are you doing good today? I hope you are because you do good dulering gifs. You are nice to nice kids. Love you. I like a rnife and a gun and a vedo wach. Love, Cole
Dear Santa, I bet you had a good sumer I have a lot of presents I wont for Chrismas. I want a mote cincrol hele a cotr that has a cranu and all the toys in the hole in tihre womrt. love you Santa! Mary Christmas! Love, Lauren
Dear Santa, Ceocys are good. I like presesert alot. Santa is grat. Santa is big. a spydcar and a game and pusl and a mud car. Mery Christmas! Love, Caleb
Dear Santa, I am going too leave some coockes. I want a stick wond and I want a Nrfe px. I want a toy elf please. I want a toy ranedeer. Love, Carter
Dear Santa, I want a baby Spike I love robots. A Repunsl kite and casl too. I want a walk ine kitty and a fingernel printr. Thank you, Love, Madison
Dear Santa, I hope you will bring me what I want for chrismis and I want a Ipod tocht and a thing in my stocing a candy cane and Rudolph is a good reindeer for you thak you Santa. Love, Braxton
Dear Santa, I buliv in you and I hop you bring me a eckstra toy and that is a I pod and a paper guitar and a mud jeep. Love, Jacob
Dear Santa, Thak you for my toys last yire I like them. This yire I want a Dsixl this yire and the Dsixl games to and the air hogs plane. Love, Logan
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a baby doll and a biskl. Love, Alasyia
Dear Santa, Santa you are my best friend I rile want to see Rudololph. The red nose randier. Santa I want a Ds for Christmas and I want a Mario game please Santa! Love, Jaquariuus
Dear Santa, Give me a go cart and a iPod too. Can i have a wii Game and a Robot to do my Home work and I want a Paper Gtar and a moxie girl doll. thank you! Love, Hannah
Dear Santa, I can’t wait to see Rudolphs light in my window. This year I want a new bicycle and American girl dolls and the Tangled hair with th eplastic flower and the Ds game littlest pet shop and wii game Grese and the movie who is Hannh Montana and pillow pets. Love, Kinzie
Dear Santa, Are you filing well? This is my Christmas list a ipod touch and a real gun and gum and a skateboard and a obe one knobe with a ship. Love, Jackson
Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are the elfs and reindeer doing good? I wnat for Chrstmas six plastic flowrs and a wunicorn pillow pet and a Amercin gril doall. Merry Christmas! Love, Gracie
Elvin Hill Elementary, Ms. Gerner
Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a squeaky exactly like the one I lost. I would also like a Zhu Zhu Pet set and a big swirly lollipop. Love, Lauren
Dear Santa, Get me the new stor wors red scorpion. Can you giv me the new Jagwrs? Love, Ethan
Dear Santa, I wote a chruck. I wot a good crismis! I bin good! I Luv you Santas! Love, Eason
Dear Santa, I wont a ita Anda Bik and a laptop and a Big hovus, and a Big KluBhaws and a Big KlaK and a Big Doll Big te set. and a Big Fak car and a Big BaD avrnDr. Love, Caitlyn
Dear Santa, I wote hrsiz. Wute do you doo? I Luve Santa Can I come to Sey you? Will you come to sey me? Love, Jayla
Dear Santa, I wont sum Baeblaes for Christamas! And i wont a cor. I wont a school dukset. I wont a ring. Love, Christopher
Dear Santa, I What Xbox 360. It sez coll of deodew. I ned a new remot. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa, I wote halo Tech. How is Cris Crigl? I wote Batogons! Love, Damien
Dear Santa, I wot a wocing dog Wed a lesh on it. Love, Tamara
Dear Santa, Can i have a bike for christmas? Love, Lauren
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. Please bring me a finet rock. Love, Roberto Davalos
Dear Santa, I wot a Brbe Dol. I ben gud. Love, D’Shonda
Dear Santa, I wont a pupe for Crismais. I wont a nuw bieck for Crismais. I wont a zozo pet Kindum. for Crismais. Love, Belle
Dear Santa, Can I have a Xbox and a wi? I have been good. Love, Chris Taylor
Dear Santa, I whant zuzu pets. 2 pers of skiny Jing. AlABAmA Jrsy shrt #8 on the Back. Love, Madi
Dear Santa, I wot a Xbox three sixde tor crisaxs. I wot a rimot control wild flir. fon crismis. I bin goud. I Love Santa. Love, Brandon
Elvin Hill Elementary, Ms. Odgers
Dear Santa, how are you Santa and Missis claus? Merry christmas everybody I want the biggit bike ever. Love, Jon Michael
Dear Santa, I wont a noow Jackit and a 100,000,000 dolrs and everything els and a bike and I mis you and I want a Christmas dress and a new bike. Love, Tiana
Dear Santa, how are you and Miss closs dowing to day? Merry Christmas to you santa and miss closs. I Love you Miss closs and to santa too and Rudolph. I want Big time rish lunchbox. Love, Donniesha
Dear Santa, I wold like a new bike thats a bmx bike and a mushedee. Love, Drew
Dear Santa, I wut a Liz doll and close with it. I wut a nedis. I wut a dres. Have a mere chrstmas saunta. I Love you you too Rudolph Love, Dani Kate
Dear Santa, I wunt a D.S.I. With a nruf cais. I have bin good. I wunt a pupey P.S. a ril pupey. Love, Nate
Dear Santa, I hav bin gud. I want a box of cars and thransformers for gifts. I wont a box of orange cars. I want one of the cars that can drive ine war. Love, Ryan
Dear Santa, I want a ramp and a big cheese hat. I have been good. I have been to my mom. Love, Ty
Dear Santa, Santa will you ger me a lot uv stuf for Christmas? Santa I have Been very good. Love, Matthew
Dear Santa, I have ben good this year. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I want a stuft Rudolph. I want a stuft bear. I wish you a happy noow year!!! Love, Olivia
Dear Santa, I wunt a dog for christmas and I wil like a bike for christmas and I want a new bed. Love, Amairani
Dear Santa, I want a new mak up kit. Stay worm at Chrismis day. I hop that yo will be safe around the state and I want 1,000,000$. Love, Laura Leigh
Dear Santa, We wish you a Merry Christmas. Rudolph is good. I want a Jeep for my sister. I have been good. I want Santa to come to my home. I Love Santa. Merry Christmas!Love, Ayana
Dear Santa, I wold like a Rudolph toy. and a badinge soot. and a Brbey. and a new book abawt Jesas Marry Chrstmas Santa Love, Destinie
Dear Santa, I wont a Brbe dall. Merry Chritmas Santa. I wont to see you. Love, Yuliana
Dear Santa, I want a snak. Santa I love you. Your cool. You are. I want to git a xbox. Love, Evan
Elvin Hill Elementary, Ms. Rushton
Dear Santa, Santa Claus, haorw do your elves make toys? I wont a dol bil from the war-one of the big ones. Love, Riley
Dear Santa,I like for CHRISTMAS a Spibr-man and a Play station 3 and a backugan. I have been goob this yeir. I will be Sleeping. Merry Christmas. Love, Genesis
Dear Santa, I would like to see your sleigh because I wot to see a pich up your sleigh, And I pod tuch And psp. Love, Will
Dear Santa, Dear Santa Clause and Mrs. Claus, I want A babby dall. I have been good. I would like Santa to bring A ipod and bring Rudolph to see me. Love, Amanda
Dear Santa, I wan’t a big toy. I wan’t a sell phone and a I pod and a sleigh. I wan’t a lots of toys. Love, Hannah
Dear Santa, Wut I wont to have is soopr fast shoos. I wont a tun of milck or a galin. Oh, mack that 2 soopr fast shoos that fitsa gronup and 1 that fits a child. And i wont ol the squebls in the world. I wont ol the bildubers bers in the world and i love you. Love, Vivian
Dear Santa, I hope you can brin me a lot of present. I want g go and me. Can I rid In your sleigh. Can you get me the wii game zoo zoo pet? I want a I pad. Can I see Rudolph the Red nose reindeer? Love, Malieri
Dear Santa, I hope you are good. I want… dragonoid colossus and tuns of bakugan. I want Ben ten creation lab and a Ipod and two hijunoid colossus. Wut is christmas majick? Love, Avery
Dear Santa, I aolways Dremd abot a skat bord and a zobls and zhzzh pets and a Big priset to and a toy to.3 things: Frist wiy dus Rudolph fliys and was sow? Wiy dus reindeers fliys? Love, Kaitlyn
Dear Santa, I want a Colossus Dragonoid. I want a DS for Christmas. I want Legos for Christmas. How are your elves at the north pole? Love, Jamison
Dear Santa, I always wanted to have hello kitty head phones, an a sellphone, an a Barbie doll car with eighteen chairs, an a huose thats got 16 beds, an a diminro wtih 16 chairs, an closes for 16 dolls. Love, Kaili
Dear Santa, I want a I pod with a [Alabama] A on it, a sowin machine, 6 BarBies, A gun, sell Phone, A [Alabama] A shert, merey yo cert on wii, A paint set, ATV. I I get a lot ov presents and a lot uv toys: A noow raydeyo. Thank you for Bring Alf the Elf. Love, Anna
Dear Santa, I wode I like a ipode and a Bakulgon Draginoid colossus, Ben 1 Chrasin Lab, real tell a fone, tell a scoop, Flat sceem TV, i Pade. Love, Jaden
Dear Santa, I want like for Santa clou playbox pay pup and a it can walk. Love, Adrinde
Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a pespe, ipod tuch and games for wii. Get Will a nice cat and cat food. Love, Jakob
Montevallo Elementary, Ms. Beasley
Dear Santa, I wot a bokd. I wot car. I a cervu. I a scr. I a sar. I a memoov. I a forw. Love, Landon
Dear Santa, prt ind mikrfon a makop kit and a now Bloh Kit. Love, Olivia
Dear Santa, I want a bib gun and a ram star or o Toy a bisckla a backgone a Thrafans Love, Steven
Dear Santa, I wot a Flipig Cop And A nut’n gun And a set uv a supias uv sinintofs. And a cinputr. And a supr hirow set. and a plast e hineplaIt. And a Alerin set. And a cop set. Thaes foavrir thang diru Satu. Love, Nicholas Sweat
Dear Santa, I what a Supar Marow game. I want a Toy bird I want a baby Pgwer toy. I want a maestoy. I want a cut Casow big. I want Cresms toy. I want a Kihan toy. I want a toy apple. Love, Brithany
Dear Santa, I want cratoya I want a books I want a toos the borb I want a toos I want a Choe, I want a Booo Bag I want a Pin Love, Nateli
Dear Santa, I wot a piksatw. I wota Bas K Boll. I wot a TaBl. I wat a Poenyey. I wot a Funey duk. I wat a funey Pusun. I wat a Little uey. Love, Kelsey
Dear Santa, I wut a Dog. I wut a cat. I wut a fish. I wut a goat. I wut a kite. I wut a Buck. I wut a nest. Love, Nathan Brantley
Dear Santa, I want a Dog, I want Biscl, I want Bisicl Love, Blaine
Dear Santa, I wut a Bicsicl, I wu a how t od then aJ I wu a WR pi agin crshfh moovi Love, Landon K.
Dear Santa, I love setun I yil miis you setun Brings um tos. Love, Camreon
Dear Santa, I wot a Dog. I wat a cat. I wot a cren. I wot a helcotr I wot a cpudr I wot a Forwil. I wot a mopsicl. Love, Joseph Anderson
Dear Santa, I want a pupy. I want a wii. I want a Xbox 360. I want a Xbox. I want a DS I want a PlayStash 3. Love, Jorein
Dear Santa, I love you santa. I will miss you santa. you are my sunchin. dery santa I will miss you. dery santa I love you. dery santa you are my sunchin Merey Cremas Santa. Love, Alyssa
Dear Santa, I love you. and I know you will git me the best presit uv ol. you are the best uv ol. Love, Allie Tryon
Dear Santa, My me me might get me a ping She might not. Bit if shes not can you get me one. And i got my Christmas stuf up. I know that Christmas is not all adout presints it’s all adout Jesus. Santa i have been painting. so if you want one go get one. Love, Autumn
Dear Santa, I Love you so much Santa Clause and I wot a dog for Cirrmas uv. My DaD wants a new TV four Chrrmas. Love, Elijah
Dear Santa, I want Hotwheels. I want thomas the train. I want a Toy nerf. I want a new dog I want a scatbod. I want a PSP. I want a cat. Love, Sebastian
Dear Santa, I want a toy gutter. and a DS. and a PSP. and a Brbedall toy. and a toy Apes. and a Samta toy. Love, D’Nyah
Dear Santa, My mom wants micky mose clos. I want pokemon cards. I love you Santa. I want a lot of pcezet. Love, Cohen
Dear Santa, I want a Drbllc. I wont a BeBe Gun Big. I wont a bisicul I wont twuws. I wont ds dntuc ostoom. I wont a BiBsle pinsut. I wont a rish. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa, I weolt for cism a hat. I want for cism a forwl. I want for cism a dord. I want for cism a tidbir. I want for cism a post. I weat for cism a pist for sount. I weat for cism a we. I weat for cism a tos car. Love, Junor
Dear Santa, I love Christmas so much! This year I would like a ps3. I will leave cookies and milk on my table for you. I know you will leave presents under my Cristmas tree. Love, Wesley
Dear Santa, I like Santa Clause. I want a toys. I want a Chruck. I want a nacup. I want a crayola I want a crayon Box. I want a Book. Love, Andrea
Dear Santa, I want some Rabbits and I diD a dos and Hamsters and baick and Prit dress and Hana Montana CD and some dress and gold theings. Love, Alma
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. You are cool. You are nice. Santa is in crasmas. Santa work hard. I want to see you. Santa hat is red in white. I want a toy. Love, Vicki
Dear Santa, I am excited abowt christmas. I want a fril frants. And A gree Angle for granny. Love, Taniya
Dear Santa, I what a new Paint for eyes and lips! I Whant kichen. I Whant lots of cat! I wesh you come soon can you make my sisters grow big! Love, Ashley
Dear Santa, I have Ben good. I will lev you and The Reinders a csrt. canyou ples Breng me a Skate Board. Love, Luke
Dear Santa, I Hop you can cum. I want I-pod NiNteNdo DS The gam uv Mario versus DoNkey Kong. I wont Creepy crawlers. Hape crismis. I want a x-Box 360 Love, Brandon
Dear Santa, I waht a wii for Christmas! I want a X-Box 360 for Christmas! I was good! I want a ska-eboard! Love, Jese C.
Dear Santa, I want some instruments. and a I-Pod. and a mario game and book. Love, Jose M.
Dear Santa, I hope you have a good weekend can you drig me a wii game and surf board and and Mario vs Donkey Kong and creepy crawlers. Love, Omar
Dear Santa, I riley love your RnDiR RedtDir Rodorf Rrup He Haw a Red Nos. Love, Ferha
Dear Santa, I want a 3 wii can you give me a lego Star wars. Can you give me a bik. Can you give me a lego hery pottr. Can you give me toys story 3. Can you give me a wood. Love, Francisco
Dear Santa, I want a soecer boll whet Do you Do if a persen don’t believe in you? and I want a ipod too. Love, Tucker
Dear Santa, I whot a skateboard wresling game with all Therell Pepole all of Theme in The Wolde Wide Wrold and a wii with 40 games. Love, TaDarrius
Dear Santa, Dear I wot x-box 360 modsll I wot Bull I wot jeep I wat wrestling game I wot a ben I wot fowwler Love, Anthony
Dear Santa, I have been good this year I hope you will come to my hoses and bring me present And a I pod I want a smart phone, I hope you bring my sisters som present. I want a play satationy I want a big flat scren tv, Justin Beaver cd, and a Nineten do ds. Love, Dakari
Dear Santa, I like to read can you bring me a book. Santa I bring a puppy. Love, Taiire
Montevallo Elementary, Ms. Carruthers
Dear Santa, I wont my wolk in pet. Sentu give us toys wulfull toys. i like and love sentu. but i love him the best. a nb i like him just a little bet. i love. Love, Tytianna, age 7
Dear Santa, Christmas! i want a PSP for Chrismas Love, Braden, age 7
Dear Santa, Does Mrs. Clas rely do all the work? I wold like a horse set with a pritty gril to ride and stuf to get them redy. Love, Kaitlyn, age 6
Dear Santa, haw are the radis daings. haw are yoo daoings. Love, Isabelle, age 6
Dear Santa, haw is Mes Clos Duwing? I will hav some coces and mec for yuw and Mes Clos. Love, Reid, age 7
Dear Santa, How are you rainders Santa. I want a basball bat for christmas. I want a puppy for christmas. I want gopong bols. Love, Jimmy, age 6
Dear Santa, I wot a nref gun for christmas, and i wot a toy store 3. Love, Taylor, age 6
Dear Santa, I have Been a gooD girl. how are you. So I want a DSi and a Four wheel W. And a American Doll Mery Christmas. Love, Taryn, age 6
Dear Santa, hal arn uor radeds I wot for Christmas a Tree I wat is a crae ha ranber in a Bethingan. Love, Jaydien, age 6
Dear Santa, Win is Christmas I willhave oat sum cukes ded milk i wont a xot wheels ded a little mobsikol and a talskop. Love, Terion, age 7
Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Clas? May i have this a camra a Xbox 360 a 4 wheele Dsi a helacopter that taks pichers Do you like vinial cokkies! I love you Santa Merry Christmas. Love, Tyreese, age 7
Montevallo Elementary, Ms. Littlejohn/Ms. Pendergrass
Dear Santa, I have been good to friends. I want a dvd playr. I want a now dall hass. I want gogo an & me. I want a pilo pet. Love, Kylee
Dear Santa, I have been helping my mom clen her house and vackyoum the Floor and mop. and i have been good. I want a Xbox 360. I want a bike Love Austin Carlee. I want some hunting cloths. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa, I ben good Santa. I want a hot pink car that you play whith. Love, Gabbi
Dear Santa, I hav been helping my mommy ont, and i hav gitin, geens at school. I whot for crismis is a dsi ples and thank you. I love you. Love, Mary Jane
Dear Santa, I have be good. I want a Moxy dall. and a diy yes. Love, Ashanti
Dear Santa, I have good. As nerF Asgames gams boy zoozoo pet mdzeBezu. Love, Zio I love you senu and rdy.
Dear Santa, I have been good have you been good and I bib mab your Robers One Robof the Ranbere Hapyye Kremes The Ean I am gon to got I am gon to mak you Kukes to I am haveing your Robof I who taAs I got t give I am Happy! We wish you a mere kemu! Love, Jamari!
Dear Santa, I have bin very good ill zingto my tijr. Dsi, Xbox 360, ezizy Buvin, Moxs girl Boriy Dall. Love, Margaret
Dear Santa, I wood like Legos and pawr minrs Legos. a Lego fixr bot and a Lego fixr ar bot. a Lego flyr stashin. a Lego campr. a Lego pleas stashin. a mach boxs campr. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa, I haved in very good I triy hord I wode like a new dall, sashsald of cade popcorn. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa,I have bin good this year. I want anit edsdst with nitendo ds I games. And i want a wresler man too. And want a Transtformer too. Love, Jamion
Dear Santa, I have bin vere good this yere in school. Santa for chismas can you plese tell I uv youre use to plese plese to get a 2 Willbycicle that looks like a modier sikel. What I relle want is a lot uv play stachan gams plese the onle game I want is ticintting that is the only thing. I want my hart. never be bad becas you will be on the bad lest and you will not get nothing. Love, Caleb
Dear Santa, I heve been good this muth, I heve lis’n to mrs. littlejohn. A forwheelr. A dsi. A will A play stachn A play stachn 2 A play stachn 3 A muotr gam game 2 remots for xbox A xbox 360 A tractor pulling game A lot of legos A elf. Love, Dylan F.
Dear Santa, I have ben good this moth I want for crismas a d.s and a come pusdr and a Love, Breanna
Dear Santa, I have been good. and I want solskat and a Micky Maws cinpuder game. I want a nruf gon. Love, Brady
Dear Santa, DS Nopet Zoopet dog shen cat Love, Suzy
Dear Santa, I have bein helpfol to other ds toys games jeep toy dog bike popcorn mushine New clos I Love you santa rodoff. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa, Books. Doll. C. Love, Marissa
Dear Santa, I have Ben a little good. fore crismes I want to get a black shent with a sckl and a black gluvs with No finggers in it two here spray that repand black and rans that have no knieto. Love, Leah Beth
Dear Santa, I have bin good this yir. I want a black base god jaar and a bark blue jackit just the one Hanna Motana Had in the mov and Hellmet for My bike. Love, Aniya
Dear Santa, I have ben good this year I was the good cidezen this year and I relly want a Ds for christmas and a morio game for the Ds and I want a 500 Doller Bill and I want a far real friend and a pupy a real pupy and a cat a real cat a baby cat I love you santa. Love, Adriana
Dear Santa, I have been on green. I want a compooter. I want a dert bike. I want a duck huter. I want a PS3. I want a trapleyn I want a flat sreme t.v. I want a fourwheeler. I want a Indanu Joens game. Love, Taven Ho, Ho, Ho.
Dear Santa, I have Bin good! I help my mom and my dad. I wont a bike ask atdorn and a…pupe! I wont Xauna sike. a baskit boll and a net. and a ball. I love you. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa, Santa I went a go car for c,r,m and a bat man cave and Football and a noow vest and a forwilr that is it. PSP. Love, Tamardreon
Dear Santa, I wont a comepyoter. and a bascit ball. and I wont a Bascit boll shot. Love, Cara
Valley Elementary, Ms. Burns
Dear Santa, I want you to gie me a Zhu Zhu pet DS game. and play kichin and a i carly DS game flip and frog. and a box 360. Love, Alyssa
Dear Santa, I what a Dog I what a kite I what a colt I what a Ball. Love, Aleza
Dear Santa, I want a X box a dog a cat a Burd a Gintor a Soccr Pichr a Hurs a raPit. Love, Aiden
Dear Santa, I want Xbox conet I want a 4 weier XBOX 360 I want a ileshrechase I want a fiyer sKootr I want a SPY I want Drams wa cn I a IPOD fone spy SHOSE I want a pupy I want spy glass Love, Randy
Dear Santa, Saunta weLl you Brig my mom AND DAD supthin. I wat TWO thans vac. e t CUZ AND SPF YCrY. Love, Bryce
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a transFormer I want Power core. Love, Ra’el
Dear Santa, santa how ar you. can you bring my mom presits. Love, Arro
Dear Santa, Pleas bring my mom some Gifs. and my DaD some Gifs. I whant a bitty baby for CHRISTMAS Love, Sophia
Dear Santa, deas moryow cart doll drums ball float buton Love, Gracie
Dear Santa, Get some preints for my mom and DaD. the vito girl I whant a bitty baby amrcin girl doll please. I want Zo Zo pets please. and the new taylor Swift see de. Love, Avery Fuller
Dear Santa, I wot cars I wot a ball I wot a dall I wot a Toy Dog I wot a Toy Cat I wot a Bick I wot a Toy Hin I wot a Toy Sub. Love, Emma
Dear Santa, I want a Xbox 360. I want a Bog Bayk. I want littol Dall. I want a des. Love, Lorenzo
Dear Santa, I wont a teck becks set and ASin fidyrs and A Choo Choo Set and A Play gun and A drum and A lechit gudtor A iPod A dibsore Love, Jaxon
Dear Santa, I went a Pet I went a Books I went a C Fla I went a Cooks I went a doll I went a Boll I went a gem mom love Love, Karina
Dear Santa, for christmas I want mariyo toys a Xbox 360 Kunecta Wii a Bord to wite with a markr. Love, Abraham
Dear Santa, I Wont a cake Bakre. and Git Some Presis for my mom. I Wont a Camr. I Want a suf animals I Wont a Play Dooyw. Love, Taylor I love Christmas
Dear Santa, Gif my cats Presis Gif my mom Presis Gif my dad Presis Gif my gremo Presis Gif my grePo Presis Gif my femule Presis Gif me presis Love, Max
Valley Elementary, Ms. Evans
Dear Santa, I really appreciate for you to give me and my sister Our Elf Elda back. we really love her and we really love you too! and thank you For all the toys! Love, Abby Kiel
Dear Santa, Thank you for coming last year. I have been good This year. I can’t wait until you come. We will have milk and cookies waiting for you at Christmas. Love, Zoe
Dear Santa, for christhms I would a bike, PSP, x box 360, truk Love, Anthony
Dear Santa, Can you please give me what ever you can give me because I Love when you give every doby gifts. Love, Unsigned
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is Wii sports because At my freind jasens house it was the first time for me to play that game and my favorite one is bowling. Love, Noelle Smith
Dear Santa, Did you bring me a elf on the shelf? I love elfs that are at my house. Can you try to get me one please? I want it to be a girl. Well if you can make girls. What tipe of cookies do you like? Love, Mallory Free
Dear Santa, Santa are you real? On Christmas I want new shoes that have sqiguly line on the botum. I want that flat getar for Christmas. I wolud want a robe for Christmas. Have a merry merry Christmas santa. Love, Chase
Dear Santa, Are your Elfs doing good bilding presints for us? How are you doing? I can’t wait intill christmas. I wish you a mary christmas and your Elfs too! My Elf Lester is doing I hope you get a lot of sleep. Love, Austin
Dear Santa, hay my names Mason I what a X box 360, an a car and Blessing for my family. Love, Mason H
Dear Santa, I want Star Wars legoe set. thak you. Love, Donovan
Dear Santa, Deaur santa I wut a will doour santa I want to ko Ruby. Love, Tay Love
Valley Elementary, Ms. Haines
Dear Santa, Thank you so much for every thing you gave me every Christmas! And the two things I want moste is the Lego Harry POttr wii and 20s toom. Love, Nico
Dear Santa, I wuht to see yu can yu pelpes Love, Brarah
Dear Santa, I wot a mp3 phr and a dignl camu and a clock and a elf costom. Love, Kaitlyn
Dear Santa, Peas give me a psp and a pup Love, Jonathan
Dear Santa, I hope you have a grat bay santa. I want a bike, pless and a toy tet bere i wont a Pillow Pet Plese Love, Gisselle
Dear Santa, I hope you have a grat day Santa I wont a litole dog forq afraind my cot Plese I want a bike and a Pilio pet Plese. Love, Megan
Dear Santa, I want a skatedoard Mario Party wii. Have a Merry Christmas. I’ll take care with my gifts. And I’ll have lots of fun playing with my gifts. Love, Aidan
Dear Santa, I would like for christmas a lala lootcy dall and some cloths don’t foget my book have a happ new year! Love, Sadie
Dear Santa, Mreey CristmasIW ant a chaolrbook and a gun a scapbord a socrball and a socrball gol a pupe a tinnis racit a math book a labtop a toy gost a toy chruc. Love, Shawn
Dear Santa, I Love you. Merry Christmas! Pleis get me a. x box 360. and. can you pleis get me. a PSP. Plesis and can you get me a DSiXL. Love, Christian I love you Santa.
Dear Santa, ai wont is santu is a big fat monstr. Love, Gray
Dear Santa, I would like for saunta cluos will bring some thing to the good boy, and girls if yrue kid is bad saunta wot bring some toy for your bad kid. Love, Ivette Maria
Dear Santa, I want a baby all gon and a olf for crismis I lave you Love, Fatima
Dear Santa, I want Loge star wars bkus I like star wars des star Now vrjin with al the peplo and robos. Love, Gavin
Dear Santa, All i wet for a elf Saunta just breg a elf just one. Love, Blake
Dear Santa, I was god all the month I want a pijes fee and I want a Game for My Cam duro and I want a DSI and I want a ElF for me I never have a ElF and I Love you his name will Santa I rillie Be Elvis. Love You I rillie wish I want a ElF thenk you Santa? Love, Christian
Valley Elementary, Ms. Olive
Dear Santa, If I was a Good boy I wud like A ovrdil. And some BaBe g. if I was a Bad boy—Bring me nothing. Love, Kalib
Dear Santa, can I have more songs for my ipod and I want a cup that says AlABAMA and I want a AlABAMA tShir-t. Love, Diya
Dear Santa, gly ovrgriv camera copter spy tractor spike car i Pad Pat mort Mostruc Love, Cole
Dear Santa, I forgot something on my other list. Can you forgive me Because I want to Name some more things. I Wod Like a DSL and a four wheeler and a fishing rod. Love, Dominick
Dear Santa, Clos i love you! I want A Helacopter, Spy Cam, And A PSP AND A BABAtsrs AND POWer rNAGers AND BOOKS i POD mrchls. Love, HASSAN
Dear Santa, Can you please bring me games for my leapster! I wnat an ipod that is an Auburn one! I want an Auburn shirt! that is for the iron bowl. I want an Auburn blanket! And I want an Auburn elf! Love, Jaden Jones
Dear Santa, Can you bring me some toys! can you bring me some Mockintroley! Love, Victor
Dear Santa, I Like chismas cus it is so much Fun and my sister likes it and I like for Chismas I like the romt control Iron Man. Love, Jake Cantor
Dear Santa, I was a good gri boy. I would like I-Pad. can I Please have a White bord My own Chair that has a canopee I want Powers My ow nElF I can touch all the time crayon Box and the best christmas. Love, Shay to Santa
Dear Santa, I want a air Hog! and a BaBy for Jake! and A skooter for ! and a car tha is remote control thank you! Love, Luke
Dear Santa, I Bin a gooD Boy. Bring me a gam in is from Play iStahin 3 in a iBrmi can flih with a in a iriBtan the irBtin the can fLiH in a car It is a toh car in Love, Edwin
Dear Santa, I want a ipod that is orange and blue and I wnat some sogs wot my an ipod my and a AUBURN sog i wot a theing theat i Love, Emily
Dear Santa, for Chrismas I like some roses for my Mom and My dad and my sistr and brother and for me I want a dress and a black Shock borc. Love, Jennifer to Santa
Dear Santa, I want a clock and morcns my Brother I want a Na teh Do. De us in a Schoter my Mom a pants in shirt my Dad a Pair of Shoes Dear Saunta, Clus Love, Sandra, then ceow.
Dear Santa, I wont a DS-games I want a game is to Cole It will It be My gift form me for my sister can you get her a She will like Earnigs for MY Sister. Love, Parker
Wilsonville Elementary, Ms. Brewer
Dear Santa, I want Barbies I want Wii Games and a IPod. I also want a camera. I will Leave you some good milk and cooikes Love, Tye
Dear Santa, I have been a really good boy. Could you please bring me a lego star wars and a Nascar set. And happiness, to everyone. Love, Hunter Meadows
Dear Santa, papere Jams Skeleton DS game donkey Christmas carol Shreck the 4 Xbox cpon a Wii game a Mareeoh game that is not Mareeoh cart. Love, Hunter Borden
Dear Santa, I want a toy moster truck and a scatbord and modersikle and Fordwill real conpeoder tv toy eles and Bike whith out tran will. Will game viedo game. Love, Demetrius
Dear Santa, I would love a Jam box and cd’s to listen to and a kitten for christmas this year. I’ve been very good this year you can ask my mommy! Love, Lillian Lee Gilliland
Dear Santa, a Flat Screen tv a two playor wii a psp whith a arny man game a gun a phone a playstation a xbox 360 a ds whith a mario racing game. Love, Brannon Lovelady
Wilsonville Elementary, Ms. Lindley
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! I would like some wii games for Christmas eve P.S. I would like some candy in my stocking. Love, Patrick
Dear Santa, I would like a D.S.I. game called my baby girl and some surprises. Merry Christmas! Have a safe trip from the north pole. We’ll leave you some cookies. I’m very excited! Love, Abbey
Dear Santa, I want toys and Rudoff the red nos reindeer. and a toy mens ter chrucks I want toy of shcool pepol. Santa we Are you cokies. Love, Nathan
Dear Santa, I have ben good! I will eave your milk and cookies for Christonas. I hope you have a Merry christons. Santa I hope you leave me same presents that are net! you are the best! Love, Kelyn
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas I want zuzu pets and I am going to leave some cookies for you and I’m going to leave carits for your randeers the little tracks they rtn in and Glow in the Darck close! Love, Shannon
Dear Santa, I am excited for you. I hopo you bring good. I want ans doe mend. I ope you home good. Love, Gage
Dear Santa, Please bring me a zuzu pets and gravity ball. Love, Jaediyn
Dear Santa, I hope you have a good trip. I hope I will get a D.S.I. for Christmas. Love, Emily Wolfe
Dear Santa, I hop you have good trip I want long zus and Prinses and the Frog movies and legos. Love, Jackson
Dear Santa, I wont a lihl 80,000 and I hope you don’t tri and peace and goodwill Love, Cameron