Baby blessings: Maggie and Anna Giles

Published 2:04 pm Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The excitement of discovering your baby’s sex races through every new parent’s mind, but when you know you’re likely to have a high risk pregnancy you simply pray for things to go smoothly.

“I thought I was going to pass out but my husband was more the calm one when we first found out we were pregnant. Then when we realized we were going to have twins, my husband almost passed out,” Sandie Giles said.

In the end, health was their main concern.

“We didn’t care we just wanted God to send us healthy babies,” she said.

Their twins, Maggie and Anna, are now 6-years-old and thriving.

The girls are fraternal and while they definitely favor – one has light blond hair, the other dark blond, one has a fuller face and the other is half an inch taller – their personalities could not be more different.

Maggie tends to be the aggressive child while Anna remains shy and reserved. Anna on the other hand is more athletic and physical. Maggie is the brainy one.

Sandie said its fun to hear them constantly finish each other’s sentences. And, while they have their moments, they always love each other.

Their parents did request they be placed with different teachers.

“We just don’t want them to be seen only as the Giles twins,” Giles said.

She said the girls continue to do a lot together and she’s glad.

There was a moment in their lives when Sandie and her husband weren’t even sure their girls would thrive as they have thus far.

“Were just amazed that they are still here because the doctors didn’t think they would last past 72 hours because they both had so many complications,” Sandie said. “It’s just been amazing to see what God has done with their lives.”