Spain Park holds graduation ceremony
Published 2:01 pm Thursday, May 27, 2010
Spain Park High School held its 2010 graduation ceremony May 26 at the Samford Wright Center. Zhiqian Chen Li was the Class of 2010 valedictorian.
Daniel Benjamin Aizenman
Maegan Lezley Brooke Anderson
Lauren Ashley Arnold
Destiny Shafon Atkins
Christina Alexandra Avery
Cavanagh Stowe Baker
Ezekiel Jackson Bandy
Ellen Elizabeth Banks
Kristine Lyn Barclay
Stephen Joseph Baroody
Jennifer Anne Bartle
Kaylee Frances Bearden
Austin Paige Beasley
Charles Clayton Beaugez
Katherine Zander Beck
Braxton Michael Bell
Taylor Jacob Bell
Mary Frances Bennett
Michael Thomas Bice Jr.
Zachary Edward Bilek
Tayler Nicole Bishop
Taylor Ann Bisso
Ross Andrew Blaising
James William Bondurant
Melissa Lynn Borden
Geoffrey Sims Bostany
Robert Matthew Bowerman
John Charles Brinkeroff Jr.
Shelby Lynn Brown
Colby J. Burk
Mallory O’Mara Burks
Tre Lamar Burrow
Mirela Elena Burst
Connor Maurice Carlis
Austin Tucker Carnegie
Mitchell Alexander Carr
Manuel Antonio Castro
Ji Hyun Chae
Kevin Douglas Chandler
Kathryn Brinkley Chappell
Azmeena Abdulaziz Charania
Trenton Douglas Chrane
Douglas George Christopher II
Anthony Joseph Ciulla
Mary Catherine Cole
Hannah Jewell Collier
Anthony Thomas Cook
Jeffrey Todd Cook
Ryan Stephen Cook
Andrew Stevens Cooper
Damon Brian Cooper
Nicholas Lee Cooper
Roberto Alejandro Acuna Correa
Desiree Lacey Cox
Graham Andrew Craig
Mary Theresa Craig
Phillip Lewis Crain
Aubree Lynn Crocker
Reid Hartley Cunningham
Collin Rafter Curry
Cameron Armand DaCosta
Selena Marie DaCosta
Joseph Jamal Danfourah
Caleb Mackenzie Davenport
John Morgan Davenport
Michael Stephen Davis
Abby Annette Deason
Jessica Lee DeSanto
David Mitchell DeStefanis
Matthew James DeStefanis
Caleb Michael Dick
Ryan Gray Dismukes
Erica Laine Dobnikar
Matthew Powell Dodson
Edgar Dominguez
Stephanie Marie Doran
Kelsey Delaine Dreyfus
Joshua Stephen Drum
Marco Cordarial Easley
Rebecca Lauren Ehrhardt
Chelsea Lauren Ellis
Michael Alec Etheredge
Robert Joseph Fair
Demetrius Craig Earl Fairley IV
Brian Christopher Feagin
Evaristo Junior Figuero
Meredith Jane Filippini
Hilary Morgan Flippo
Desiree’ Marielle Foy
Kathryn Mackenzie Frazier
Alisa Fujihashi
Tatyana Alexandra Gabb
Edgar Garcia
Hunter Andrew Garnett
Hunter Marshall Gaskins
Justin O’Neal Gilbert
Kate Whitney Glasscock
Robert Perry Glasscock
Caley Elise Goins
Casey Bennett Goldschmidt
Alfred Peter Gonzalez
Ashley Michelle Gooden
William Frederick Grindle
Daniel Jackson Guest
Ashley Lauren Gurley
Aaron Martin Haag
Caroline O’Connor Hagen
Andrew Stephen Haight
Heather Francine Hall
Andrew Keith Hampton
Courtney Anne Hancock
Tyree Anquan Harper
Christopher Adam Harris
Kiara Rolanda Harris
Melanie Alisea Harris
Robert Thomas Harris
Tiffany Nicole Harris
Wesley Mark Hassett
Lucas John Hayes
Joshua William Haynes
Anna Vera Ada Hedden
Douglas Goodwin Heen
Katherien Elizabeth Rose Heinke
Tyler Lee Hemby
Dorothy Ticor Hilliard
Kathleen Dunaway Hinds
Andrew Davis Hines
Emily Ruth Hines
Madeline Leigh Hines
Maria Katherine Hines
Nicholas Robert Hiros
Jacob Kevin Hoadley
Elizabeth Marie Hobaugh
Tyler Bryan Hobbs
Matthew Thomas Holland
Samuel Joseph Holloway
Hannah Kelsey Holt
Aubrey Nicole Hooper
Corey Nathaniel Howell
Huihaung Huang
Don Carl Hull Jr.
Allie Marie Humphries
Graham Druary Ingram
Ayana Mariama Jackson
Jeremiah Rashad James Jackson
Keithron Rodrickus Jackson II
Mark Evan Jackson
Ramone Toussainte’ Jackson
Jay Graham Jamison
Ashan Pyarali Jiva
Anna Claiborne Johnson
Jared Michael Johnson
Jessica Victoria Johnson
Morgan Clark Johnson
Nickolas Paul Johnson
Alyssa Michelle Jones
Brandon Rondell Jones
Cole Braddock Jones
David Matthew Jones
Frank Connor Jones
Mark Erwin Jones
Meredith Erin Jones
Lindsey Elizabeth Kahn
Sarah Louise Kane
Samantha Nicole Kazeleski
Carrol Clayton Keefer
Cameron Hunter Keith
Seketria Sierra Kelley
Lindsey Marie Kelly
Danielle Kathryn Kenaston
Steven Kervin
Matthew Allen Kilgore
William Harrison King
Shanice Urica Kirkland
Blake Willoughby Knight
Brittany Sammone Knox
Cary Alyssa Lambert
Samantha Brooke Langford
Alexandra Daru Ledbetter
Clifford Leon Lee III
Ga-Lam Lee
Wilson Jacob Lee
Rachel Marie LeMier
Ashley Leigh Lewis
Corey Lenard Lewis
Matthew Tyler Lewis
Zhiqian Li
Rebecca Lin
Alexandra Marie Little
Julia Kimball Long
Melissa Lopez
Justin Matthew Lumpkin
Will Glover Mackin
Kelsey Allison Malone
Patrick Lynn May
Andrew Christian McClung
Phyllis Jane McDaniel
Samantha Faye McDonald
Emily Anne McDougal
Kenneth Wayne McGhee Jr.
Courtney Dionne McGowan
Mary Kendrick McGrath
Amy Elizabeth McIntyre
Trace Aaron McKee
Ashley Renee’ McKinney
Shelby Lee McNutt
John O’Neil McPheeters
Marissa Renae McWain
David Thomas Meadows
Ivette Medina
Laura Medina
Anna Alston Merritt
Jay Michael Meullen
Tamar Reshod Mickens
Kathryn Elizabeth Miedaner
Madison Elisabeth Miller
Mitchell Anthony Miller
Allen Michael Mitchell
Cynthia Nicole Mitchell
Lee Eugene Mitchell Jr.
Amin Mohommad
Kaitlyn Merle Moody
Kyle Massey Moore
James Connor Morgan
Zackery Brice Morris
Jan Elizabeth Morykwas
Joshua Patrick Mote
Heather Suzanna Mullens
Jeremiah Nathaniel Mullins
Antonio Ricardo Munoz
Matthew William Murrell
Saherish Naeem
Ahmai Linch Nakayama
Regan Matthew Nance
Alayna Christine Naro
Matthew Allen Nesbitt
Renee Elizabeth Nicholas
Luke Cavender Nichols
Rebekah Ann Norden
Alexander Michael
Richard Daniel Norton II
Kaitlyn Olivia O’Brien
Elizabeth Suk O’Connor
Mary Francis O’Daniel
Zachary Conner Olinger
Shannon Lea Oliver
Chirihane Fatima Ouaoua
Nora Oukajji
Brittany Nicole Owens
Danielle Rae Palladino
Daniel Tyler Parker
Victoria Loren Parker
Donte Jurrell Patton
Matthew Coultas Pears
Lauryn Michelle Perkins
Samuel Thomas Phillips
Christopher Giles Pierce
Emma Steadman Pitts
Meghan Kathleen Pitts
Alaina Elizabeth Polhemus
Alfred Ted Powell III
Conner David Pratt
Timothy Quinton Prewitt III
Britney Caroline Pugh
Caley Eryn Reeves
Armani Alexander Ricciardi
George William Riddle III
Johnathan William Rieves
Kara Lee Robbins
Wilson Sherrod Robinson
Conner Mitchell Roell
Katharine Camilla Salter
Andrew Philip Samples
DeVonte’ Marque Sanders
William Alexander Sarniguet
Stephen Philip Saunders
Ian David Saverse
Cameron Palmer Schroder
Colin Edward Schroder
Kaitlyn Renae Schweer
Candice Marie Scott
Matthew Frederick Scott
Connor Scott Sharpton
Carley Michelle Shaw
Samantha Nicole Shelley
Toneyell Sherell Shropshire
Alexander Frank Shunnarah
Bishara Zee Shunnarah
Jonathan Andrew Sickles
Grant Randall Sides
Meredith Anne Simmons
Evan Simon
Samantha Michelle Sisson
Katelyn Suzanne Siverling
Amber Sharde’ Smith
DaRon Cortez Smith
Thomas O’Brien Smith
Bennett Christopher Snyder
Elaine Kyungeun Song
Chase Anthony Spear
David Trae Story
James Hunter Story
Rebecca Gail Strickland
Jaylen Lee Strong
Dana Lenette Stuckey
Susannah Corinne Stuckey
Jamie Elizabeth Sudano
Lauren Haley Tant
Alec Sullivan Taylor
Patrick Roper Terry
Ethan Alexander Tibbs
Margaret Ashley Timbrook
Candace Elizabeth Todd
Griffin Lindsey Torres
Cortnee Arielle Tyree
Christopher Charles Varallo
Zachary Adam Vardaman
Nikita Navroz Virani
Patricia Ilean Wampol
Fifi Wang
Ashlyn Marian Watkins
Daniel Peter Watkins
Matt Dalton Watson
James Lee Wayland III
William Calvin Wells III
Rachel Lauren Wheeler
Victoria Elizabeth Wheeles
Yusuf Adam Whitaker
Jamie Brooke Whitehead
Christopher Brooks Wilhelm
Alfredo Jose Williams II
Amanda Yvette Williams
Amina Rashad Williams
Leah Marie Williams
Stephanie Ann Williams
Travis Michael Williams
Kathleen Zuleth Wilson
Madison Elizabeth Wilson
Timothy Alex Wilson
Colton Blake Windsor
Jefferson Park Wynn
Yuki Yamazaki
Thatcher Anderson Yates
Antoneo Del Monte Young II
Essence Denisia Young
Lauren Nicole Young
Lucia Elizabeth Zamora
Amanda Rida Zuaiter