Fences on parade
Published 5:22 pm Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Shelby County Arts Council celebrated the culmination of its Fences on Parade project April 29 during the county wide art show at Oak Mountain Elementary.
Fences on Parade is a public art exhibit that invited local churches, organizations, businesses, schools and individuals to create works of art using fences as canvas. The idea was planned to coordinate with this year’s Big Read event focusing on Tom Sawyer.
Capturing the Best in Show title was Shelby County High School. Other winning entries for the 2010 Fences on Parade were:elementary schools first place Creek View Elementary, second place Montevallo Elementary and third place Oak Mountain Elementary; middle school first place Columbiana Middle, second place Helena Middle and third place Thompson Intermediate; and high school winners first place Calera High School, second place Chelsea High and third place Vincent High.
The winning entries will be on exhibit at the North Shelby Library from May 1 to June 15. Check the Shelby County Arts Council website to see where the Fences on Parade exhibit will go in July. Call 669-0044 or www.shelbycountyartscouncil.com.