Senior anticipates true homecoming
Published 1:50 pm Tuesday, October 13, 2009
So far this school year I have been a hippie, a fireman, a superhero, a nurse, and this Friday, I will be a cowgirl.
These past few dress-up game days have gotten me really pumped up for my senior Homecoming week.
Ever since freshman year, I remember looking at the senior girls wearing their gorgeous togas with flowered trim on Senior Toga Day, and this year I will get to wear a toga worthy of Aphrodite.
I will don my war paint and battle with my classmates one last time against the juniors in the annual Powder Puff football game.
I always knew that girls had an amazing capacity for cattiness, but on the Pelham football turf the claws really come out.
My car, along with the rest of the Pelham High school senior lot, will be decorated in green and gold declaring “Seniority” and “Go Panthers” to all who threaten our school or our football record.
My last Homecoming dance comes a week before Halloween and the night of the October ACT date.
In the morning I am going to take a test that determines my future and then rush to get my hair and makeup done for Senior Lead Out.
The hectic life of a senior is exhausting.
While I know that it is common to schedule your school’s Homecoming game against a team that an intermediate school would dominate, this year Pelham plays Hoover for their homecoming.
I’ll admit, at first I was a little worried, but I was a football trainer last year and I know that our Pelham boys can win that game if they really want it. After all, our boys practice two times a day as well.
Regardless of a football score, the senior class of 2010 will come together as one, like we do at the end of every pep rally, to celebrate and know that next year when we come back to watch Pelham play, that will be a true homecoming.
Bethany Adams is a senior at Pelham High School.