Indian Springs December 19, 2006 The Indian Springs
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Indian Springs
December 19,
The Indian Springs Village Town Council met at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. The Mayor called the roll and noted the presence of Council Members Mayor Steve Zerkis, Jack Mendel, Brenda Bell Guercio and Brian Stauss.
Also present were
Planning and Zoning Chairman Wayne Jones, Administrative Assistant Bart Trammell and Town Clerk Kelly Rasco.
Councilmen Herb Robins and Stewart Dudley
were not present at the meeting.
The Town Council minutes of the December 5, 2006 meeting were approved on a motion by Mendel, seconded by Guercio.
Mayor Zerkis reported for Robins that there was no update on the Highway 119 turn lane project.
The Arrowhead Street sign post, damaged in an auto accident, is in
the process of being replaced by Atkins Sign Company.
Mendel presented the October 2006 corrected and November 2006 financial reports.
Stauss motioned to approve, Guercio seconded. Mendel also reported that 2006
fiscal year documents had been reviewed in preparation of the upcoming audit.
Stauss reported that work was in progress to fill holes in the ground around town hall. However, mechanical problems with the skid loader had delayed the project.
Stauss also reported as Chair of the Zoning Board of
Adjustment. It has been determined that the variance requested for the pool on the corner lot of Indian Crest and Valley View is not required if the pool is installed behind the house. A variance request had been received from Charles King of Indian Ridge requesting permission to build an out building in the rear setback of his property. There is a 15 foot easement on the back of the property. The board granted the variance to allow the structure to be built five feet into the setback but not into the easement.
Mayor Zerkis reported on the status of the annexation of Mr. Burr&8217;s property. The property is being annexed in series to comply with the equidistant rule, and an ordi-
nance for the fourth series was presented.
Guercio motioned to suspend the rules, seconded by Stauss. Stauss motioned to approve the ordinance, seconded by Guercio. The ordinance was adopted unanimously.
Jones reported that Keith Blanton requested to combine two adjacent lots and that this would be the final subdivision. There was also a request for an access permit to
the property.
Stauss motioned to approve, seconded by Guercio.
Mayor Zerkis reported that Stauss and Trammell were working on the 2007 business license renewal project, including those businesses currently in arrears. There was
a discussion relative to a proposed ordinance to establish fines for businesses that fail to procure business licenses and the procedures to apply the fines. Guercio motioned to suspend the rules, seconded by Mendel. Guercio made a motion, seconded by Mendel, to adopt the proposed ordinance. The ordinance was adopted unanimously.
Mayor Zerkis opened the meeting for public comment. Attending the meeting were members of Boy Scout Troop 555 Andrew Ripley, Brandon Burkhardt, Kensey Prosch and Matt Prosch who are working on a Citizenship Merit Badge.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Stauss.
January 2,
The Indian Springs Village Town Council met at 7:00 p.m at the Town Hall. The Town Clerk called the roll and noted the presence of Council Members Mayor Steve Zerkis, Herb Robins, Jack Mendel, Brenda Bell Guercio and Brian Stauss. Also present was Administrative Assistant Bart Trammell. Councilman Stewart Dudley did not attend the meeting.
The Town Council minutes of the December 19, 2006 meeting were reviewed and approved on a motion by Stauss, seconded by Robins. The minutes of the Novem-
ber 7, 2006 meeting were also reviewed.
They were approved on a motion by Stauss, seconded by Mendel.
Robins reported on the ISV Children&8217;s Fund. This Christmas, gifts were purchased for twenty-two children, representing ten families. Gift certificates for groceries
were also purchased for each family.
The Town Council thanks those who shopped for gifts this year:
Alison Stigers, Pat Zerkis, Kristi Wade (counselor at Oak Moun-
tain Intermediate) and her family members and Margie Robins.
Robins also reported that Gary Ray, the State District Engineer, had been contacted regarding the flooding at the Petro Station on Highway 119. Stauss added that the
Highway Department had recently cleaned out the grateover the drainpipe. They will return to clean out the pipe that goes under the road.
Additionally, Robins reported that the sign at Arrowhead had not yet been replaced.
Arrangements will be made to retrieve the sign from the resident who currently
has it and then put it back on the signpost.
Robins has contacted the State regarding the next bid process for the Highway 119 turn lane project.
Trammell reported that the next bid letting will be at the end
of February.
Robins reported that there are two houses in ISV that appear to be operating businesses. There was discussion about the town&8217;s definition of family as it pertains to rental properties. There was additional discussion regarding the process for determining if there are businesses being operated. Mayor Zerkis will contact the property owners.
Mendel has compiled a list of contractors who should receive a 1099. There was discussion about obtaining the TIN or SSN before issuing a check to future vendors.
The Town&8217;s financial procedures have been revised and issued to the council members. There has been no progress on obtaining the CD information.
Mendel stated there is a need to consolidate data from various computers. Stauss suggested renting space on a server accessible via the internet. There was discussion about record keeping standards.
Mendel recommended a resolution: a letter of condolence to Betty Ford and family thanking them for the contributions of Gerald R. Ford.
Guercio discussed work to be done to prevent flooding
of Bishop Creek.
Mayor Zerkis reported that representatives of the county and the city engineer had been out to the property at Highway 119 and Caldwell Mill to determine if the construction activities were in compliance.
Stauss reported that the skid loader is being picked up and taken in for repairs. At that time, the vendor will be asked to give a quote to sell the equipment. All business license invoices have been mailed. No report for ZBA.
Mayor Zerkis reported that Santa&8217;s visit to Town Hall on December 9, 2006 was successful. The Crapet family has been thanked for their good work and has offered to
continue to perform this event.
The Mayor is also discussing with Waste Management the details and cost of a recycling program.
There was discussion about audits, specifically the difference between an audit and a financial review. State code requires that an audit comply with GAAP.
Trammell presented an annexation ordinance for the fifth stage of Stagg Run. Stauss motioned to accept, seconded by Robins. Stauss made a motion to adopt the or-
dinance, seconded by Mendel. The annexation ordinance was adopted unanimously.
Stauss motioned to adjourn the meeting.
January 8,
The Wilsonville Town Council met Monday, January 08, 2007, in the Wilsonvillve Elementary School Cafeteria. Mayor Rosemary Liveoak called the meeting to order at 6:31 P.M.
Councilman Ricky Morris opened the meeting with prayer. The following council members answered roll call: Calvin Gill, Anthony Moore, Ricky Morris, Dana Ray, Alan Revis, Melissa Rosetta. Terry Newman was not present.
The minutes of the December O4, 2006 meeting, which had been mailed to the council members prior to the meeting, were reviewed. Dana Ray made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Calvin Gill seconded. The motion passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes;
Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta, yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
The billing sheet (mailed to the council members before the meeting) was reviewed. Calvin Gill made a motion to accept the billing sheet as presented. Ricky Morris seconded the motion which passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta, yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
Bids were opened for the purchase of a new Fire Engine. Three bids were received as follows: Sunbelt Fire Apparatus, declined to bid; Southeastern Apparatus Sales, LLC, $234,788.00; Williams Fire Apparatus (Sutphen Corporation) $267,653.00. Representatives of the Fire Department retired to another area of the room to verify all specifications were met in the two bids. Upon their return, the bid will be awarded.
Matthew Allen, Shelby County Reporter, presented the ad design for the Progress Edition, Profile 2007, edition of the paper. A full page ad will cost $1.975.00. Calvin Gill made a motion to place the presented ad in the Progress Edition. Ricky Morris seconded, and the motion passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
Mark Bray, Southeast Shelby Rescue Squad representative, addressed the council with concerns about the all volunteer organization. There is a problem with manpower for daytime runs since so many people commute to other areas to work. This may create a need for paid personnel in the daytime. Support is provided by the municipalities in the coverage area but not much for the unincorporated areas. Mr. Bray will meet with county officials to seek some county financial support. These expense to fund the Rescue Squad for a year is between $95,000 and $100,000.00.
There is a vacacny on the Wilsonville Beautification Board which needs to be filled. Calvin Gill made a motion to appoint Shannon Hobbs to the Board; Melissa Rosetta seconded. The motion passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris,l yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta, yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
Uncollectible accounts for water and garbage accounts were presented.
Dany Ray made a motion to declare as uncollectible the following amounts: water, thirty-nine (39) accounts, ranging from $0.09 to $462.58, totaling $3,482.38; garbage, four (4) accounts, ranging from $8.21 to $33.71, totaling $78.46. Alan Revis seconded the motion, which passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta, yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
After a brief discussion, Ricky Morris made a motion to declare Fire Engine #162, a 1964 International, excess property; Anthony Moore, seconded. The motion passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, Melissa Rosetta, yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
Mayor Liveoak reported the availability of a 1997 Chevrolet pick-up , V-8, automatic transmission, two-wheel drive, with 140,000 miles on the odometer, priced at $4,000.00. This truck could be used by the Fire Department to pull the recently purchased equipment trailer and by the Water Department. Alan Revis made a motion to purchase the truck. Calvin Gill, seconded the motion which passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
Mayor Liveoak stated Billy Thomas will clear the lot a Hobb Road (Highway 103) and South Main (Highway 61), removing trees and The house, for $2,800.00 Dana Ray
made a motion to hire Mr. Thomas for $2,800.00 to do this work; Ricky Morris seconded. The motion passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Raty, yes, Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
Mayor Liveoak reported furniture will be delivered for the new Town Hall offices, January 17. Landscaping is ongoing. The windows will be done this week. Books will also be moved back into the Library this week. The contractor has not yet completed the work on the list of corrections to be made.
The mayor stated Life South will have a blood drive, Monday, Feb. 12, 2007, 10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. , Wilsonville Town Hall Parking Lot.
Councilwoman Ray asked about getting forms to be filled out by prospective youth league coaches authorizing criminal background checks. The Town Clerk will check with the town attorney and the sheriff concerning this matter.
Councilman Morris asked about well drilling. Once two or three sites are chosen, the drillers will be called to return and drill. Mayor Liveoak hopes to have Calvin Cassady come to the February meeting to present plans for the new water tank.
Fire Chief, Davy Edwards, returned to the meeting. He reported Williams Fire Apparatus met all the specifications the invitation to bid. Southeastern Apparatus Sales, LLC, had some exceptions. It is therefore, his recommendation to accept the Williams Fire Apparatus bid of $267,653.00. The following resolution was presented:
That an invitation to bid on the purchase of a new fire engine was posted at three public places in the Town of Wilsonville and was mailed to the following vendors: Pro Fire, 20 Monroe Drive, Pelham, Alabama, 35124; Southeastern Apparatus Sales, LLC, 1420 Nimitz Avenue, Talladega, Alabama 35160; Sunbelt Fire Apparatus, 8111 McGowin Drive, Fairhope, Alabama 36523; William Fire Apparatus, 774 Idaho Road, Ashland, Alabama 36251.
That three (3) bids were received for this purchase by the deadline, Monday, January 8, 2006, 4:30 P.M., as follows: Sunbelt Fire Apparatus, no bid; Southeastern Apparatus Sales, LLC, $234,788.00; Williams Fire Apparatus, $267,653.00.
That, upon review, Southeastern Apparatus Sales, LLC, failed to meet all the qualifications.
That, upon review, Williams Fire Apparatus met all the specifications.
That the Town Council of the Town of Wilsonville, Alabama, awarded the contract for the purchase of a fire engine (specifications on file at the Wilsonville Town Hall) to Williams Fire Apparatus, 774 Idaho Road, Ashland, Alabama, 36251, in the amount of $267,653.00.
Rosemary C. Liveoak, Mayor Attest: Town Clerk
Calvin Gill made a motion to adopt Resolution 070108 awarding the bid for the purchase of a fire engine to William Fire Apparatus, in the amount of $267.653.00. Melissa Rosetta seconded. The motion passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta, yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
Public Comment
Phillip Studimire asked about the abandoned trailer on Highway 25 near Merrell-Lokey Road. Mayor Liveoak stated the owner of the property has promised to remove the trailer.
The being no further business to come before the council, Alan Revis made a motion to adjourn. Ricky Morris seconded the motion which passed with the following vote: Calvin Gill, yes; Anthony Moore, yes; Ricky Morris, yes; Dana Ray, yes; Alan Revis, yes; Melissa Rosetta, yes; Rosemary Liveoak, yes.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M.
January 16, 2007
The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 in the Helena Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.
Mayor Penhale called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and led prayer.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by
Roll Call Present: Charles W. Penhale, Mayor, Members: Katherine Ennis, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate. Absent: Barbara Hyche and Colleen Lenz. Visitors: (List attached). A quorum was declared present and meeting open for business. The minutes from the December 18,2006 meeting were dispensed until the February 5, 2007 meeting. Jerry Pate made a motion to accept and pay current bills with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Gary Ingram – 5608 Hwy 17 – Home Occupation License – &8220;Time Framers&8221; (copy of letter of request become part of minutes) Gary Ingram was present to answer questions the Mayor and City Council may have in reference to his request for a home based business.Tom Lefebvre stated that in the letter Mr. Ingram suggests that he may have someone on contract occasionally. How often do you see this happening? Mr. Ingram replied &8220;a couple of days a month&8221;. Tom Lefebvre said O.K. Jerry Pate then stated as long as he was not an employee and it is a limited amount of time. The home occupation is meant for yourself and another family member, as an employee but no one else. I do not see a problem with one contractor ever now and then.
There being no further questions and/or comments, a motion was made by Tom Lefebvre to approve the home occupation license with a second by Jerry Pate and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Resolution 11162007 – City of Helena & Jefferson County – Share Certain GIS Information (copy of Resolution becomes part of minutes)
Mayor Penhale related this agreement is sharing of information for the new mapping system and the City will be able to integrate with Jefferson County.
Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Resolution 01162007 with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
George Lystlund – Discuss Single Family Housing Issue
George Lystlund related that on the agenda there was an ordinance coming up on this particular subject but if it was anything like he has heard on the Pelham ordinance, it leaves a lot of questions to be answered. Some of the questions are:
1.Who and how do you enforce the ordinance?
2.What is the total count in a residential dwelling?
3.Rental Property – who and how will you monitor this?
4. Parking in Streets
5.Parking on Sidewalks – Do we have an ordinance prohibiting parking on sidewalks?
6.Who do you make your complaint to?
There was a long discussion about all of the above questions with George Lystlund giving scenario about each topic.
Mayor Penhale – Appoint Director to Personnel Board
Mayor Penhale related that on the Personnel Board there were two people who had resigned and would like to fill those vacancies with a recommendation of Mark Hall as Director of the Personnel Board. Once a Director has been appointed, then the employees of the City have an election for their representative. After that election, the third person on the Board will be chosen by the Director and the Elected Representative. The recommendation, as Director of the Personnel Board, would be Mark Hall since he is familiar with the Civil Service regulations, etc.
Katherine Ennis made a motion to appoint Mark Hall as Director of the Personnel Board with a second by Jerry Pate and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Ordinance 707-07 – Limit the Number of Occupants in Residential Structures (copy of ordinance become part of minutes)
Mayor Penhale introduced the ordinance and said he would like to adopt if at all possible tonight.
Tom Lefebvre said he would like to ask this. One of the first things that he would like for our City Attorney, Frank C. Ellis, Jr. to take a look at is under the Section 2 definitions &8220;B&8221; Occupy. I would like to expand that definition at his first opportunity. I think as it stands now, it leaves…..what it says is that temporary is not allowed and what I foresee is someone going there and saying &8220;O.K. we have had a complaint, how many people are living here and it is over the number and they say two of them are only here temporarily&8221;. According to this definition as it stands, that is not allowed. I would like for the attorney, as his first item of business in his ordinance, to address the word &8220;occupy&8221; to make it clear, what is allowed and what is not allowed. The limit of 2 per bedroom is fine; I think the remainder of the ordinance is fine but would like the attorney to further expand that definition.
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to suspend the reading and give immediate consideration of Ordinance 707-07 with a second by Jerry Pate and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate. NAY:
Miriam Cowen – 104 St. Charles Drive – Asked what the ordinance that was being considered was about.
Tom Lefebvre advised the basics of the ordinance.
Frank Stubbs – 127 Squire Drive – Made a few comments about his problems and the City being very responsive.
Robert Janchus – 4005 Falliston Drive – Concerns about property values.
Katherine Ennis related that she thought the whole point behind this ordinance is to protect property values, not a detrimental effect on them, but rather protect them. There have been some issues where we have had complaints about multiple occupants in a single family dwelling; this ordinance is a place to start to control the issue. This is not very different, from an ordinance that defines family and what is a family, I spent 18 years enforcing an ordinance in a college town (where there were many instances of multiple occupants in a single family zoned) that defined family and said that a single family residential structure in a certain zone could only be occupied by what we define as a family. This is akin to that in a way and is intended to address that issue. It actually addresses an issue that right this minute Helena isn&8217;t having a terrible problem with but some of our sister cities are having a very bad problem with this issue and we are just trying to get a jump on it and do something before we do have a problem. Mr. Janchus said that is all we can ask. Jerry Pate read some of the highlights out of the ordinance, stating this is a start and may not be perfect and this may not be what this community needs at this time but it&8217;s coming. We do not have a big problem here but it&8217;s becoming problem and in certain neighborhoods it is a problem already. Katherine Ennis stated that one of the other things about that penalty is that each day that violation continues that $500.00 fine is compounded, it is not a one time $500.00 fine and if the violation continues for 5 days then the fine would be $2500.00.
Frank Stubbs responded that the biggest problem is cars in the yard and if we address the parking problem and enforce the parking problem, you may solve the basis problem.
George Lystlund asked if the City has anyone in the enforcement department that speaks another language besides English.
Peggy Dunaway responded that we have a Spanish interpreter that lives in Alabaster that comes to our Court and if he is needed elsewhere, such as enforcement, he is more than willing to help the City; Marie Valenti also helps upon occasions.
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to adopt Ordinance 707-07 – Limit the Number of Occupants in Residential Structures with a second by Jerry Pate and the following votes were cast: AYE:
Katherine Ennis, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate. NAY:
None. Motions carried.
There being no further business, Mayor Penhale adjourned meeting at 7:34 P.M.