Smoke detectors save lives
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 3, 2007
With the New Year and New Year&8217;s resolutions in mind, it would be a good idea to make a note to remind one that now is the time to change the batteries in the smoke detectors in your home.
And by all means, if you don&8217;t have a smoke detector in your home, please get one.
It is recommended that the batteries in smoke detectors be changed at least twice a year. And this minor maintenance item could mean the difference between life and death.
It is also well worth noting that during the winter months, fires seem to double and every homeowner needs an early warning system to be able to get out of their homes safely in the event of a fire.
Some fire departments such as Chelsea recognize the importance of smoke detectors and they are currently providing them to those inside their city limit in need. The availability of these detectors was made possible by a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
So this holiday season while thinking about quitting smoking, another great health idea, going on a diet or whatever resolution we care to make, everyone should remember to do this simple thing.
One need only read the newspaper or watch the news to see the images of people returning home to discover that a fire has occurred and wondering if their loved ones made it out.
With the installation of a smoke detector and instruction to children what the alarm means, one could have peace of mind that in the event of a fire, everyone will have time to get out in time