Davis Falls well worth a closer look
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 13, 2006
It is a beautiful spot and it needs to be preserved.
At least that’s the sentiment of Henry Emfinger, and he should know. He’s kept a close and admiring eye on Davis Falls for many years.
On Monday, Emfinger asked the county commission to consider making a county park out of the natural waterfall on Davis Creek.
Tucked away in the woods off County Road 10 west of Montevallo, the natural treasure was overlooked, Emfinger says, when a committee set out on a search for a waterfall location to establish a new county park in 1994.
The group visited several falls in Shelby County, but made no mention of Davis Falls in its report.
There are other waterfalls in Shelby County, from the manmade drop in Old Town Helena to the nature-trail destination Peavine Falls at Oak Mountain State Park. But according to Emfinger, Davis Falls rivals them all, and it’s about time the natural wonder got its due.
&uot;God created this beautiful place in our county and I think it would be befitting to have a waterfall park there.&uot;
A county park at Davis Falls does seem to make good sense. The location is just miles from the Aldrich Coal Mine Museum and Historic Farrington Hall, which happens to be owned by Henry and Rose Emfinger.
The spot also appears to have a rich history, with photographs of respectful visitors dating back to the early 1900s.
While the county may have overlooked Davis Falls some time ago, Emfinger need not worry about the location dropping off the radar of county officials this time around.
County Commissioner Lindsey Allison said she has received a hefty dose of phone calls suggesting the county give the falls a closer look.
If things work out, the county may soon be suggesting its residents do the same