Pet-A-Palooza an animal lovers outing
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 5, 2006
If you have a pet you love or are thinking about getting a pet to love, you can&8217;t miss the Pet-A-Palooza on Saturday.
This event is sure to be a blast, especially for dog lovers, like myself.
About a month ago, my husband and I decided to get our first real pet, besides a mouse named Oliver I bought before we got married.
Enter little Oscar, a (as of right now) six-pound bundle of wiggling Dachshund energy.
Oh we love the little stinker, even though he lives up to the Dachshund M.O. as mischievous and relentless.
It will make me so mad when he steals a sock or t-shirt from the dirty clothes and race down the hallway, but he looks so funny that his goofy antics usually dissipate the frustration.
At fifteen weeks he can sit, sort of stay and mostly goes the bathroom outside, so we like to brag that Oscar is ahead of the puppy curve.
I can&8217;t wait to take him to the Pet-A-Palooza to introduce him to other puppies and maybe buy him a little dog outfit.
This event is sure to be a great way to socialize puppies, and the vet told me socialization is crucial for dogs from 6-16 weeks of age.
So if you have a dog or a cat you like to show off and just sometimes spoil, I’ll see you Saturday