Gray Power: Building a quality hurricane kit

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Whether you are waiting out the storm at home or returning home after evacuation, these items will be very helpful.

Store these items in water-resistant containers:

Two weeks&8217; supply of:

-Prescription medicines and information

-Nonperishable foods and nonelectric can opener

-Water (1 to 3 gallons per person per day)

-Paper towels, toilet paper and premoistened towelettes

-Paper plates and plastic utensils

-Water purification kits

-Ten sets of batteries for: flashlights, portable radio (NOAA weather radio)

-First-aid book and kit




-Adhesive tape


-Nonaspirin pain reliever

-Antidiarrhea medication


-Citronella candles and insect repellant

-Ziploc bags (for valuables)

-Two coolers (one to store food, one to bring with you for ice)

-Infant necessities

-Cleaning supplies

-Plastic trash bags


-Masking tape

-Repair materials: plastic tarp, screening, tools, nails, etc.

-Camera and film

-Books, cards, games

-Nonelectric cooking tools and fuel (charcoal, wooden matches and grill)

-Gas for home generator

-Pet supplies



-litter and scooper

-collars (with ID)





-contact information of vet

-Important documents

-Driver&8217;s license

-Social Security card

-Proof of residence

-Insurance policies

-Tax records

-Birth and marriage certificates



-Medical information

-Property inventories


-Written instructions on how to turn off your electricity, gas and water if authorities advise you to do so

-Phone numbers


-Evacuation Kit – In addition to the above materials, make sure you have:

-Maps with evacuation route (including alternative routes)

-Pillows, and blankets or sleeping bags


-Eyeglasses, hearing aids (and batteries)

-Chairs or cots

-Personal hygiene items

-Full tank of gas

