Westover breaks ground for new sewer
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 3, 2004
The town of Westover recently held groundbreaking ceremonies on a private sewer system to open
to commercial and residential development along 10 miles of U.S. Highway 280.
The sewer system to be built by Enviro-Systems will serve Vincent, Harpersville, Westover, Chelsea and Wilsonville.
In April, the town council of Westover approved resolutions authorizing the issue of $4 million in bonds by its Government Services Utilities (GSUC) Board for the new wastewater treatment facility, sewage pipelines and accessories to serve the five municipalities.
Mayor Roger West said the sewer line will run from Diehl Avionics Inc. along Highway 280 to Harpersville and eventually to the two schools in Vincent.
Attorney E. Alston Ray of Enviro-Systems said the company has been granted a discharge permit for about five million gallons per day into Yellow Leaf Creek, and the wastewater treatment plant will be located on Gulf States Property.
Ray said the project is being financed with private funding.
But Westover is the host city for the bonds financed through the GUSC Board of the town of Westover.
He explained the bond issue does not obligate the credit of the town of Westover nor the GUSC Board.
Recognized during the groundbreaking ceremony last Thursday were Mark McLaughlin, chairman, Wilson Johnson, vice-chairman, and Larry Riggins, secretary of the GUSC board;
Mayor Roger West and the town council of Westover; Mayor Wayne Moore and the town council of Harpersville; Mayor Joe Thompson and the city council of Vincent; Shelby County Commissioners Don Armstrong and Ted Crockett; County Manager Alex Dudchock; Ray Hamilton, Todd McDonald and Tom Wilkins of Shelby County Development Services; State Rep. Jim McClendon; and Tom Chambers and Norman Lipscomb of Gulf States Paper.
West said: &uot;This is a great day for us. It will be greater when it starts pumping. It will be great for our residential and commercial (development).&uot;
McClendon congratulated those involved in the project for attempting to get ahead of commercial and residential growth and industry